Monday, June 29, 2009

What works for me...(JaLisa)

When I get on the computer to start typing my book, I have to go to and play my play list. It consists of R&B songs. That really help me relaxes and I can think better when I listen to music. I cannot be at my house when I'm doing any kind of homework. I get too distracted with the t.v. and wanting to see what movie they have on Lifetime. Even I would want to eat at all times. I want to go and stand in the pantry to see what kind of snacks I could eat. But this is the thing, I cannot eat and type. I be so focus on my food that I will not be focus on what I really need to be. I can't chew and think at the same time, also. I know this may sound weird but I just can't explain it.

During a stressful time of if I am wondering about an issue that I have going on, I cannot concentrate on my typing. I have a bad habit wondering off in space and start think about things that are next week or things that will probably never happen. I have a problem with sitting still in one place for along time. My nerves get bad and I begin to move around in my chair. I would have to get up and walk around for a couple of minutes. I have to do that especially when I get really sleepy, which happens offen. It's like I can be alert and doing my work then all of a sudden sleepiness hit me across the face.

Now that I am learning my weakness about studying and typing this book, which require a lot of sitting and staying in one spot, I try new and different environments. Like going to the library when I am typing my book. I think that really helps me with wanting to type and keeping focus. I just love the quietness and peace that I get from being in the library. I am looking forward to finish this book and see the improvement that I made about myself, like being focus and determined to apply myself fully to this commitment I have to school.

1 comment:

  1. You are the same as me. I get distracted so easily and can never concentrated. Good luck on your book and try not to lose focus!(=
