Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Touched By An Angel (Mandy)

It was all in a dream.... Scenes from my life flash before my eyes. All I remember was the feeling of hopelessness, uneasiness, shame, despair, heartbreak. There was an imagine of what I believe to have been a man. He was wearing a black suit, but yet, I saw no face. I remember standing there before him and he lifted up his hand, put it on my shoulder, and at that very moment all the feelings of despair left from me and immediately came peace. I don't recall hearing a voice. But the feeling was so strong, it was if he were saying, it's going to be okay. I don't know to this day what this meant, but I find myself going back to that time. Even though it was just a dream, the feelings were so real. It could have been because of everything going on in my life at that time, and I needed some kind of peace, but whatever the reason was, it brought me that of which I needed.


  1. This story has really caught my attention becuz i had a moment just like this. Though the man in my dream was a sign for me to forget the pain in past n move on with the future. (Tuan)

  2. Mandy--this is really interesting. Does it mark a turning point in your life? Is it part of your spiritual autobiography?


  3. Wow. I agree that you may have just been going through something and you needed that comfort from that 'man'.

