Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pleasures (Luis)

My favorite pleasure that I have is to listen to my favorite music. I think it’s really funny that I love music so much and the only thing I can play is the radio. My favorite genre is Country music I also enjoy rap, R&B, and alternative. I guess the reason I like country music so much is because it is so easy to relate to the songs and maybe it’s just that I like the lyrics. I will have to say other than listening to music I like to relax while listening to music because the music lets me relax even more and helps me forget about all the thing I have going on in my life for that short period of time. Music also helps me day dream not saying I have to have it to day dream but it helps a lot. Some of the funniest times I have had with my cousin is driving in my truck and singing at the top of our lungs to some Faith Hill songs. I have to tell you that it was a blast. Her and I have also jammed out to songs and made our own dance moves; you should have seen the looks people were giving us as we passed them up on the highway. If those people thought we were crazy, well just put it this way I wouldn’t blame them. The only thing that I like more than listening to music through my head phones is to hear my favorite songs played live. I think concerts are so cool because you can sing along with thousands of other people that love the same music as you and no one can tell how bad one can sing. The best part of it all is when the performer stops and lets the crowd sing the next line and everybody is right on beat. What makes the experience even better is that the singer of the song is in the same building as you are. So I guess you say can that listening to music is one of my favorite things to do.

1 comment:

  1. I love music!!! I love how they have so many different type of musics from county to R&B just like you said in your blog. Music as you said helps me relax as well. -Tuan
