Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Favorite Thing To Do (Colin Fisher)

My favorite thing to do is play video games. I started to love gaming at about the age of 10. It all started with strategy games where you play from a bird's eye view of the world. The point of it is to control your people and try to take over the map, get enough points, or kill everyone else. Playing those types of games made me think about things a little bit more than I should. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing ,but it also opened my eyes to a new way to have fun. As time pasted I began to play many different types of games and learning to love the rush of winning or dying in very violent fasions. In the past three years my favorite types of games have shifted from the strategy type to the shooter (FPS) or massively multiplayer online type (MMO). I have been a World of Warcrafter gamer for years and I loved leveling up so much I think i had about twenty characters or so, but like all games there is an end. Once I got my favorite characters to the highest level and began to do the same thing over and over again I would get very bored very fast. Yet everytime an expansion comes out that raises the level cap I still buy it level up and quit again. I don't know why I keep doing it, I guess it makes me feel acomplished. When i'm not playing world of warcraft im playing halo. I love halo being able to kill other people. Being competative and being able to win just give me such a rush I guess you could say that my happy place is a pixelated universe that I control.

1 comment:

  1. A great line: "My happy place is a pixilated universe that I control."

