Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"The Body of Memory" handout. (Summer)

The sun is shining and a breeze is blowing softly through the trees. The flowers are in bloom and I can see the old wooden swing hanging from the large oak tree through the kitchen window of my grand-parents house. It is a beautiful summer day. I can smell the lemons as we are cutting them in half. My Grammy is taking the halves and squeezing the juices out of them into a cup. No, we are not making lemonade. I am about the age of thirteen or fourteen and we are extracting the juice from the lemons to put in my hair. Supposidly it acts as a natural dye to highlight my dirty blonde hair. Unknowingly though we forget to strain the pulp as she pours it into my hair. It makes a little bit of a mess and yes it is quite a funny sight to see. My Grammy tells me we can just wash it out later. I am now headed out the wooden, white screen door into the backyard where I will be basking in the sunlight. The sun should act as an agent in the dying process. I have my lawn chair and my towel and I am ready to go. It sure is hot out here.

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