Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Ten Things That Please Me....(JaLisA)


2.Reading the Bible




6.Making others smile

7.Track and Field

8.Being with Kayleigh

9.Working out


When I read my Bible, everything around me seems invisible and I feel like I am in another world. All the problems and worries i had before i started reading suddenly disappear. The sensation of reading my Bible is so amazing. Plus, you gain so much knowledge! My relationship with GOD is so sincere. Knowing that i have pleased God is when i get pleasure. I love to sing and dance. I often sing to myself and start dancing out of the blue, then laugh at myself for acting so silly. LOL. I love listening to music. I listen to all kind of music but I mostly prefer to listen to Gospel or slow jams, old skool. Listening to music relaxes me and bring me to a different world. My mind feels free to think clearly. I love the beat of the music, especially when I play music in my car with my speakers. Also, shopping is like heaven to me. That also relaxes me. I have a passion for the sport Track and Field. I ran track for 7 years and loved every year. I just love the feeling I get when I'm at the start line in the blocks. From the butterflies feeling in my stomach to the numb feeling in my fingers. Feeling so anxious to pop out of the blocks but you have to wait patiently. I love the mixed emotions all at once, I honestly dont know why I like that but I like the rush. When I watch track meets on tv or even when I be sitting in the stands, I get that same feeling. Kayliegh is my wonderful godchild, that I treat like she is my own child. Her smile just brings a warm sensation to my heart. She is so intelligent at a tender age of 2 years. She holds conversations with me like she is my age. Her memory is A1. I love her so much and she is my little angel.

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