Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My First Time { Shala}

Coming from a very big family, I was the first to ever graduate from high school a year early. Everyone was so proud. My first day coming to school, I must admit I was so scared and nervous but after a while it wasn't so bad. My proffessors was very nice and they actually taught lessons unlike most people I have heard about. The first time ever in my life I experienced a death of a resident i cared for while working at a nursing home and really becoming close to them. Yeah, they might have cursed me out a few times but you can't help but love It's funny how life goes because one day you can be so joyful and feeling so right and then BOOM! your gone. That's why i try to just sit back and enjoy life because you never now when it's your time. The time I thought I was going to have an experience of being a mother, it was taken away from me so fast. When i found out I was pergnant, first thing i thought was "What am i going to tell my parents" and "I don't need this." I was so hurt because i knew i had let my parents down and not to mention my dad was looking for me to mess up. Most importantly I knew then that i had let my mom down of most people because she would stay on me and my little sister about how she hope we don't mess up and how she didn't want us to make the same mistake she did. But then I was having real bad stomach cramps and started bleeding so i was rushed to the hospital and then i found out that my experience of being a mother was vanished.


  1. This is a powerful piece, Shala, and it's interesting how you tie it all together with the title, "my First time."


  2. (JaLisa) WOW! Shala you are such a strong young woman...but God has a plan for your life and dont look at losing your unborn child as a lost, look at it as a blessing because you went thru that experience. Sometimes we look at things and think its so bad but God turns it around to be such a joy. I can relate feeling that your father is waiting for you to mess up and fail...bc thats the same vibe i get from my family. iam the only one in my family that is doing so well in school and in life in general. and they just waiting for me to fail to they can say that i told you so and just plain out laugh. but i refuse to let that happen. i will prove to everyone that have doubts about me that i will be successful and i encourage you to do the same. just stay close to God and he will guide you in the direction that he knows that is best for Shala. As i see you sit in class quiet (you know iam always running my big old mouth lol) i be wanting to talk to you and get to know more about you. i was telling my friend the couple of first weeks of school that something about you that just catches my attention, and no im not gay or anything, im talking about your spirit.i dnt know if God is trying to tell me something or i just want to reach out to you and encourage you with my testimony. i think that you are a beautiful young lady and you really carry yourself like an lady..yeah i maybe silly and something loud and outspoken and you are so quiet and reserve but God is up to something... Good Luck on your book!
