Monday, June 29, 2009

My writing process. (PHONG)

Whatever you do, don't lock yourself inside a room and open a word document. That never works for me. Sometimes, it takes encouragement, maybe even a little push for me to be motivated enough to right. However, if the urge isn't there, it's hard write. Don't wait last minute to finish a portion of the book neither. When you're in a rush as you write, nothing will make sense. Maybe it will for you, but for me it doesn't. For me, what seems to work is to type it on my iPod as I try to go to sleep at night. It seems that my thought are my settled when I'm on a bed. I also don't force the issue. If a section of the book is on my mind and I want to write about it, I am not worried about jumping around subject. A little warning though, if you start and stop, the reader can tell that you're in a different mindset if you're not careful. It might be useful if you find a room or location in which you're not as easily distracted, but not suffocated by. Take breaks when you need it, there's not sense in forcing the goal of two hours of writing, or three page as a goal when you're worn out and need a drink... of water. Do things that work in the first place, if you find your niche, stay there.


  1. I like this. Very encouraging. Great advice.

  2. When I open microsoft word, I also blank out. You gave nice advice!

  3. mHmmmm i love your advise. though i must say that i took an completely different route

  4. I can understand where you are comeing from with trying to find the words bt my advice would be let the words come from your heart
