Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Progress in Writing - Char'De

Thinking before you write helps alot its good to write down your ideas and thoughts. It helps express your feelings with things your going through in life. Writing has not really helped me at all, I still dislike writing and I always will. It is good for others that like to express themselves and that like to express they're thoughts and things that they may have experienced in life.


  1. I agree with you somewhat because I don't dislike writing but it is helping me express my feelings into writing but for me it's hard to put alot of what I'm thinking into writing (Jeremy Stewart)

  2. Charde--
    If you want full credit for your blogs, they have to be at least twelve lines long in the "create a post" window.


  3. same for me i dont like writing,but i find it a lot easier to transfer what im thinking into a rant since my mind is like a tornado and its hard to put things into since on paper

