Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Body of Memory...Touch(Jalisa)

Well, when I sit back and observe all the scars on my body, which are very few. I can only think about the biggest scar there is, which is located on my left leg right above my knee cap. When i was in 2nd grade, my mother was doing my hair, she had sat the curling iron on the bed to do something in another room. She was in the middle of curling my hair. I was sitting on the edge of the bed but I decided to turn over and look at my hair in the mirror on the head board of my mother's bed. Not knowing that the curling iron was laying on the bed. I didn't realize that I was laying of it until it was to late and my skin was burned really bad. I being to cry and scream from the serious pain that i was experiencing. Now today I still have that scar that is shaped just like an curling iron..LOL. It will be on my leg for the rest of my life. With all that being said, the scar and pain that I recieved from the curling iron, reflects to the scar that's in my heart from people hurting me. Mostly men....with all the relationships that I have been through and my relationship with my father is just like me painful experience with curling iron scar. I was so curious about getting into the relationships that I had to move to fast instead of waiting and being patient to see what the outcome of friendship would be. Now that goes back to when I wanted to see how my mother was doing my hair, instead of waiting until she was finish. But oh no, I just had to see what she was doing and got hurt. In relationships I always rush into them and end up getting hurt in all of them. When I got burn, I screamed and cried just when I was hurt from being in an unhealth relationship. After all the hurt and pain was over, I still have a scar in my heart. Just as I have this scar on my leg. This scar that I have in my heart from the past relationships, it will go with me everywhere and wrost of all it will interfer with the relationships that I am trying to build now with people now, especially males. No matter how much coca butter I put on my 14 years old scar, its so big that it will not disappear. That's the same thing with the invisible scar in my heart. No matter how many times they say I'm sorry or try to patch things up with me, yes I have forgave all of them, but the scar still remains......

1 comment:

  1. Jalisa--great analogy! and some good writing, too!

