Monday, June 15, 2009

Pleasure (Phong)

10 things that pleases me.

1) Eating
2) Being around family
3) Being able to handle situations under pressure
4) having responsibility
5) Knowing that I am able to learn if I try
6) Making A's
7) Being physically active
8) Watching stand-ups
9) Teaching a dog how to sit
10) Watching magic tricks

The thing that I find the most pleasure in doing is eating. All sorts of food and snack, from a microwavable salsbury steak tv dinner to sugar-coated strawberries. I eat when I'm hungry, bored, or just for fun. Coming from Port Arthur, I've learned that there's not much you can do on the weekend but to go out and eat at the plentiful chained restraunts. There is however a movie theatre and a bowling alley, which serves a mean plate of nachi chilli cheese fries. I however enjoy devouring a bowl of fruits. My favorite has to be mangos. fthere's something about the different kind of mangos that just keeps my mouth entertained. When mom is slicing up the mango that I have chilled in the fridge, my mouth waters when I catch sight of the suculent seed that I always ask for. Wouldn't it be something iuf I were to be able to move to the tropics where there would be riped mangos year round? I'd become a diabetic within days.
Something I absolutely love to eat is ice cream. Not any particular flavor, just in general. But a couple of my top picks includes: banana pudding, pistachio, and plain old homemade vanilla.

1 comment:

  1. I love your piece. I never would have thought of eating as a pleasure but now that you mention it I could probably add it to mine also. I love eating. Food is just good. How can you not want to taste all the different, delicious treats. I hate how people have put such a stigmatism on eating and enjoying it.

