Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Process of writing my book (Shelonda)

My process of writing the book came fairly easy. A friend of mine took this class this past spring semester and was telling me how she had to write a book. So I had a little extra time to think about what I wanted to write about. Getting started came fairly easy because after the hurricane I was really busy with a lot of things and I could almost remember everything that had happen afterwards. I figured if there was anything interesting in my life, that it happened after the hurricane hit. My life before that in my own opinion was boring. Trying to remember what happen and when was okay. Sometimes I would forget something or what someone had said and had to go back and put it in. I had to squeeze in things that I thought was important in certain places sometimes. Going back and writing about some of the things I did go through made me cry. I didn’t think that those certain parts would make me so emotional.

1 comment:

  1. Shelonda--
    I thought maybe you were familiar with the curriculum for this course! Who was your friend who took this class last semester--if it isn't too nosey of me to ask.

