Monday, June 15, 2009

favorites (Elizabeth)

1. laughing until it hurts
2.watching the sunset on the water
3.holding my boyfriends hand
4.decorating my home
5.horseback riding early at sunrise
6. dark chocolate that melts in my mouth
7.reading at the lake
8.the sound of horses hooves
10.the smell of leather

I love the smell of morning air. I love the way the grass is slippery under my feet. The first light reflects off a almost blue colored fog that hides the ground. I walk the short journey to our old red stable. I feel as if I am floating on the white mist at my knees. As I slide the towering doors to the stable open the silhouette of twenty pointed ears turn my direction. A small quiet whinny from an old friend brings a smile to my face. The tack room door (difficult to open at times) seems to have mercy on me this morning. The smell of leather overwhelms my senses and I stand still taking in the fragrance. As I gather the necessary tack I realize my impatient friend has let himself from his stall. His breath is warm and creates puffs of white smokiness coming through the old wooden door. He is just as excited for our morning adventure as I am. I hurridly tack him being anxious to get on the trails. As I put my foot in the stirrup and adjust my seating T.J. dances under me , his shoed hooves making a loud clacking on the concrete, one of my favorite sounds. The crisp cold morning air sends pulses of energy through his body and he is ready to run. I keep him at a slow pace until we reach the meadow and relax the reins. His muscles tense and ripple under his glistening coat. The pure strength of this half ton animal is released. The wind whips at my face and blows my hair straight back as it wisp past me. This is pure joy. The moment that every care that has burdened me is left in the fog, disappearing in its smokiness, far behind me and T. J. We are alone now, racing the wind ...just me and T.J....The perfect morning.


  1. this makes me want to get a horse. I have always wanted to ride horses. This is a great way for some who has never rode a horse, except at the fair, experiance what you love to do.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great writing! Loved all the descriptive words. It makes it live and able to visualize.

