Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Don't Remember by: ( A. Nicole Welch)

I dont remember telling my Biological Mother i loved her; and actually meaning it.
I dont remember things i dont remember
I dont remember names well
I dont remember the first "c" in school i made .
I dont remember the name of the first boy who had a crush on me in school
I dont remember all the names of guys i have dated
I dont remember the first time i got a ticket( driving)
I dont remember the last time wet the bed
I dont remeber the first time I wet the bed
I dont remember making up my bed as a child
I dont remember my first friend
I dont remember the name of my cat that dug into my right arm
I dont remember my first swimming suit
I dont remember the name i said i was going to change Albertha into
I dont remember my first teenage boyfriend's mother's name
I dont remember all the things i should be ashamed of!!!!


  1. I like your list. It seems honest and detailed. We have a lot of thing in common that we don't remember.


  2. This is such a great list that me thinks it is a poem--worthy of being read over and over again.


  3. wow... this is good. I try not to remeber the things i should b ashamed of, inspirational.
