Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Writing Process (Tuan)

Man... I am sooo not organize right now.(haha) I tell myself everyday after class to go straight to the labtop and work on my book, but for some damn reason I would go on aim and myspace and chat first. Which takes hours of my time and when I finally get to the book. I would put on some music and jam to it and it makes it really really REALLY hard to concentrate, but I can't work in silence. I mean at this exact moment, I'm on aim/myspace chatting while listening/singing to the sweet melody that are blasting out on windows media player. At first my goal was to do what the teacher said. "Two pages a day." She said. Those word stuck to me like glue! There I was, laying on my cream flowered bed with my labtop in front of me with wordpad open. Half the screen taken up by my book and the other half with my 10 signicant events. Here I would choose certain topics out of the 10 signicant events as my source in the book and expand it into a bigger, more detailed story. My second goal was to wait for my classmates advise before I get any deeper into my book so I would be able rebuild/fix any problems the students suggested. Which was what I did. When I got home after the class I went straight to reading their comments. It actually surprise me that the comments the teacher and students wrote were all exactly the same from describing family members more and adding more dialog. There I went to revising my book adding the some, but not much dialog and describing my family members. Because I waited to long to hear the students comments I began to slack off with only 12 pages. As of now, my new goal was to stick with the 10 significant events and expanding it out into four or more pages a day and on the last day, to fix all spelling and punctuation errors.

Ps: Haha I read what Phong said "Whatever you do, don't lock yourself inside a room and open a word document." I sooooo did the opposite lmfao. xD

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