Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A touch of Memory ~LaDonna~

Thin , almost nothing there. Not very much in length or width. Smooth the surface. It reminds me of nothing that it represent. So why was it so improtant taht I obtained it Why did I push my so hard to reach it. It's sharp and hard plastic edges reminds me of the hard work I put in towards my goal. Its very sleek, slippery. That reminds me of how I should enjoy my years as an young adult. things go by so fast and before you know it, the days are slipping away. The object is very flexible, but to fragile not to take care of. This is my mini-diploma. Its wallet size and it reminds me of my accomplishments. The real thing about it, care more for it than the actual diploma. How can something so little represent something so big in my life. When i close my eyes and just hold the object in my hands, i hear the screaming of the crowd at graduation. I feel the nervousness i felt when it was my turn to walk. The dissapointment I felt that I had to sit on the last row. Wow! When I hold this object in my hands, I get a sense of pride, I did it.

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