Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Works For Me (Luis)

When it is time to write I pull out my pen and my spiral. I stare at the blank page and begin thinking what the heck Mrs. Rudd wants us to write about. This thought has also been going on since she first assigns each prompt. Once I figure out what is meant by the prompt. I then start to brainstorm; this takes me awhile because I then have to think of things that have happened to me that would best suit the topic. I start writing on paper because it works better for me, but I tend to switch it up every once and awhile. When I decide on a topic I start writing and when I think I have explained enough I stop and re-read what I wrote because when I write I make real simple errors that even I can catch.
It’s hard to study or write at my house because my dad watches his TV in the living room and my mom watches hers in the kitchen and then it turns in to a battle to see who can have their TV the loudest. It seems to me that everyone in the house is deaf because even when we talk we speak in a loud voice. I really don’t understand why my dad has to have his TV so loud because he is maybe sitting eight feet from it but I stand in another room and can hear it perfectly fine, but he gets mad when I have the music “too loud” in the car and tells me that I’m deaf. Whatever!! So I try and write when I’m home alone or if I know I have to get something done I go to the Lamar Beaumont Library because it is closer to my house and I’m still as student there. I find an open study room in the upstairs floors and go into a quite place where I can have some peace and quiet to my own. It’s bad enough that my mind wonders when I try to concentrate on something but to also be where it is not quiet is worse.

1 comment:

  1. Luis--even this post is an interesting piece of writing--filled with conflict and tension and somewhat of a resolution--albeit temporary. Good luck writing!

