Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Earliest Memory (Jeremy Stewart)

I have a very vivid memory of my mom's mother. I loved her so much because she was always nice to me. I loved going to Canada to see her and my grandfather. One thing i remember are her wonderful breakfasts you just couldn't beat it. Something as small as eggs and bacon tasted like a little piece of heaven but it wasn't just her cooking i loved but also how kind she was to not just me but my brothers sisters and my parents. However, all good things must come to and end sometime in life and it was a time id never forget. My grandmothers passing was hard for everyone especially my mom I don't remember much but i remember hearing her cry for hours while my dad tried to comfort her through this rough time in her life. Back then i was little and i didn't understand but now when i think about it i still can't believe shes gone. Nevertheless, I know everyone dies but when it's a family member it's one of the hardest things to get over in life but I always remember that shes watching over me and that someday I will see her again.

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