Tuesday, June 16, 2009


  1. Praise Dancing
  2. Going to Church
  3. Going to School
  4. Spending Time With My Nieces & Nephew
  5. Going to Family Gatherings
  6. Shopping
  7. Helping Others
  8. Working Out
  9. Listening to Music
  10. Hanging with My Friends

Praise Dancing gives me a feeling no one or anything else can ever give me. I love dancing because I now that I'm dancing from my heart and not just to do say i praise dance. i must admit it's been a little over a year since i danced because, of work and school. Dancing brings out alot of things in me because i get to express myself and things i been or maybe going threw through it. Last time i danced was for my grandmothers 70th surprise party. I had to learn a complete dance in 2 days and to say that this was my family i was dancing in fron of I was so nervous. Before the party the devil was so busy trying to destroy me but I didn't let that get to me, because this was my grandmother and this was something i loved to do. Once i began to dance it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and she loved it. I love praising dancing because it helps me let go.


  1. I love this writing shala. Praise Dancing is something i love to do also. Its amazing when I see taht there are other people who has the same joy.

  2. Shala I know just how you feel....dacing is just in some peoples souls.
