Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Earliest Memory (Julia)

One of my earliest memories is when I walked out on my own. At five years old, I live with my parents in Berlin, Germany at an apartment. On a cold wet winter afternoon, I woke up from my usual nap. I could hear my mom rustling in the kitchen as I try to peak out of my door. When my mom cook she likes to open windows, and doors to let the smell out. As I could see the front door slightly open, I just had the urge to walk out. I don’t know why and because this was so long ago, my memory isn’t that vivid. The apartment is more of a tall building and to get out outside, you have to use the elevator to go all the way down. I think I was just a curious wild child. As I walk into the living room, I could see my mom being busy and she probably thought I was still sleeping. I got to the door and look out to the left and then to the right. In the hallway was no one. As I step out I slightly close the door and ran as far as I can. I then stop in front of the elevator and watched it open. Curiosity took over me as I step in and I try to reach the buttons but couldn’t because of my shortness, but it closed on its own anyway. Well it stop on a floor that I don’t know, and I just ran out and run through the halls in circles and then walk back to the elevator until it opens and repeat. It took awhile before I realize I was totally lost, but there was few adults stopping me and asking if I couldn’t find my mommy. Well as a five year old, I thought that if I get in the elevator long enough it will magically bring me back to my home. Eventually a security guard caught me and everything was solved.

1 comment:

  1. Curiosity is always a good thing. Reading your blog, I can recall my first outting as a child. I too was five and I rode my rollerblades down the street. Next thing I knew, I had arrived at my aunt's house and my cousin asked, "why you all the way over here," I realized I was far from home. They had to drop me off. God job right?

