Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ten Pleasures (Tuan Tran)

Ten Pleasures (Tuan Tran)
*1. Competition
2. Family
3. Friend
4. Tennis
5. Bowling
6. Laughing
7. Food =D
8. Games
9. Parties
10. Bed

The thrill feeling of my first shot echoing repeatedly through the tennis court is nothing compare to the intensity of the deafening cheers of my tennis team. Just the feeling of my toes straddling through the court is invigorating and every second that passes by would feel like an eternity to me, but nothing stands to the marvelous pleasure I get when I hit my winning shot! Competition is my pleasure. Why? Because the feeling of watching another player competing for the same prize just arouses my interest to be and do better. To beat him is what I live for and to be the best is my goal. The sensation I get knowing that I can never be the best is what strives me to do better in all my work. To me the feeling of losing is almost the same as a thousand needles just constantly stabbing through my back provoking me to do better. I really don't know why exactly, but the urge I get when seeing someone just a little bit better then me aggravates my well being. Which is why competition is at most my favorite and number one pleasure of them all. I don't think there will never be anything out there that would ever replace the adrenaline I get from my number one pleasure --competition.


  1. Thanks bro i fixed it. (Jeremy Stewart)

  2. Just read ur post u made tennis sound very intersting and the competitive part sounds like me to. I played football, basketball, and i also competed in track. I hated losing myself but when I did lose it was a learning experiance.
