Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Writing Process (Julia)

I am a BIG procrastinator and I get distracted too easily so it's very hard for me to get things done in an organized way. I work a lot and would come home tired. These are my excuses but I know they are not good enough. I have many excuses for not getting things done and I always promise myself to start on the book. For example, I would tell myself that I would do it tomorrow morning, and on that morning I would tell myself I have to do it after work, but after work I would tell myself I have the whole night but as the night becomes morning, I'll tell myself I can start tomorrow, etc. My writing process includes jamming everything in one night. This is an example of what not to do. A good advice I can at least give is to think about what to write about during your free time. It works for me because I can at least have a plan. What I have done the most is staring at the screen for a long time, and do nothing. What I do now is think about what I should write as the structure and then put in as much details as I can. I remember Mysti always telling us to describe places, people, and the surroundings so I would think about these things as I think about what to write and make littles notes in my head. A place I can never get work done is my home because it's not much of a learning environment. The library is a much better place since it's quiet and nice there. I hope these advice help. [:


  1. Girl I feel the same way about the libray. I also find myself staring at the screen.I mean it be so bad that I thought thinking bout things that do not even be what I am writing bout and when I come back to earth, I forget totally what I was typing about. LOL But I hope to get better so I can finish this book in time...and you too! Good Luck Girl!

  2. This is Jalisa,I forgot to put my name on the comment
