Saturday, June 27, 2009

My writing process...(Summer)

For me the process of writing is a little bit challenging. That is because I have to have silence and in my house that is non-existant. I don't even think my kinds understand the concept of silence or what the phrase "Shhhhhhhhhh" means. They just keep on going as if I never said a word. I don't even know what silence is like anymore. And when I do have silence I don't know what to do with it. But really, I have to have some real quiet time to get the juices in my brain flowing. I usually have to lock the kids out of the house for a couple of hours or when my husband gets home I lock myself in our bedroom. That is the only way I can really focus and concentrate. And even then it might not work because shortly after I lock myself in the room they are banging on the door for some water or something. I have to remind them that their dad is in the other room and to go get him. Once I get going and in the mode I am good though.


  1. You sound pretty busy yet you are determine. Unlike me, I jam everything in one night. Good luck on your book!

  2. I know exactly how you feel about having a house that is never quite. Sometimes we have to watch my nephews and they are always fighting or playing really loud. But kids are not always the problem mine is TV because it is always on until everyone is asleep. (Luis)
