Thursday, June 25, 2009

Put It On Paper (Bianca)

Writing is my escape. It's my way out of an uncompromising world and light at the end of the darkest tunnel. When you write, it gives you courage to say what you otherwise wouldn't. I find myself making time to write. When I'm upset, when I feel like giving up, when I want to vent and let out whatever emotion I may be in contact with, I write/type until my hands hurt.
From prayers to 'to-do lists', writing has gotten me through many of life's storms. Death, sorrow, and the most joyful times can all be read and understood in my writings.

I have stationary in every room of my house. I can sit out on my patio and enjoy the sounds of life as I write. My favorite songs playing while I complete a final thought, is my favorite. My son is starting to develop a love for writing. No, his interests aren't the same as mine, but writing is writing...even if it is love letters at the age of 12.


  1. I like this! That is what writing is about.

  2. Bianca--this is a lovely little piece of writing. I love how it ends with your a reference to your son's love letters.

    It was great to see you yesterday at HEB.
    Don't be a stranger! Please e-mail me at

    Take care--
    and thanks for sharing.

