Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Writing (Colin Fisher)

Whenever i have something that i need to write i always set up plenty of time for me to write. i cancel plans, wake up early, go to bed late, and try to get off of work early. Yet i always fuck it up because i have so much free time to write i screw off. i end up not getting nearly enough done if any i am wasting book time right now. i never do papers early always last minute, there is nothing like the adrenaline of fear pumping through you to get your fingers to move. For things that help me write there is only one and it is music. Normally music is distracting but dependent on what is on i might hear a word or phase that will cause something to click and i will run off with it and not realize pages flew by. On the other hand it is also a distraction, because if nothing clicks and i notice my hand is moving i find out i was copying the lyrics down. Other distractions are anything and everything. Motion, sound, light, smells, if it gets a sense's attention it can throw me off track, i almost have to go into a zen mode like meditation before writing. The worst distraction of all is typing. Since i am at a computer i have the internet, which while i am typing constantly keeps tempting me to open it and every time the temptation wins. That is also the reason why i have to write down all my work so when i type it i am focusing on the paper and not the screen.


  1. JaLisa...LOL, you are so funny....i like how you say the worst distraction is typing...
    I feel the same way about the internet, its like i want to get on facebook and youtube, and the temptaion wins over me too. That's why i write first to get me started bc i cannot just sit there and type. but i hope things workout for you and you are able to type and get this book done...Good Luck!..

  2. Wow... I really like this one haha don't know how but it caught my attention. I have the same problem with the internet. Right now im talking youtubing and myspacin hahahaha.
