Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pleasures Forever More! (Mandy)

  1. Tending to my home and family
  2. Knowing all is well
  3. To hear the words, "I love you Mommy"
  4. Being able to help those in need
  5. The feeling of accomplishment when I've completed a task (whether it be big or small)
  6. Everything clean and in it's own place
  7. Obedient and Respectful children
  8. Being in the Will of God (Which kind of goes along with knowing all is well)
  9. Visiting and having a good time with family and friends
  10. Relaxing(lying in the sun while the sun beams down own me)

There are many things that bring me pleasure in life, but being in the Will of God and knowing that all is well with me and my maker bring me the most. Many times, I have found myself out of His Will and I assure you, there is no pleasure there, but in His presence there's fullness of joy and His righteousness there's pleasures forever more. Sweet fellowship Divine, I am His and He is mine, in His presence there's fullness of joy.He is my strength when I am weak; He is my peace in the mist of the storm; He is my provider; He is my comfort; He is everything that I need. With having all of this, I am able to enjoy all the other things that life has to offer. From working to resting from playing to sleeping. Truly, they're pleasures forever more.

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