Thursday, June 11, 2009

Welcome to the Bloghouse (Mysti)

Congratulations! You have just co-created a class blog. As a hybrid course, you will have mandatory assignments that you must post before the end of the semester. Keep in mind that others even outside of this class may be able to peruse your blog, although only class members are allowed to contribute their writing.

Your first task is to post a list of ten things that bring you pleasure (if you dare), and then to write about one thing on this list. A minimum of twelve lines in the "create a post window" is required to get credit for your blog.

This can be a challenging assignment, so remember the words of Natalie Goldberg:
"It is a very kind act to take a friend's hand and show him or her the pleasure you have in something," (Wild Mind, 162).

You may want to write in microsoft word first, and then cut and paste into the blog, as the blog has been known to eat posts when it skips breakfast.

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