Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pleasures (Jeremy Stewart)

1. God
2. My family
3. Women
4 Video Games
6. Music
7. Sports
8. My education
9. Freedom
10. Hanging out with my friends

Women, I've always heard the saying you can't live with them and you can't live without them. However, as for me I love them with and i cant live without them. A world without women would be horrible. I cant really explain it but its like a never ending story because the world just would not revolve without them. I've always loved women and i always will and i very much doubt there will be a moment in my life where that changes. Women are anywhere and everywhere so the saying men are the forefathers of America is a small analogy since women are the mothers of the world. Now I know there are times when men can hate women but trust me you are making a big mistake because there is a women out there for you the only catch is you have to find her. Open your eyes and your heart because outer appearances aren't everything because inner beauty is more than meets the eye.

1 comment:

  1. hey bro i hope u checked up on ur essay u gotta do 12 lines (Tuan Tran)
