Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The one and only special smell * Eileen*

The person that always bring back memories in my family is my uncle. When he make seafood its always smelling so good .I always remember that when he mixed the season he want tell no one because he want you to watch and learn how to do anything that he did for the seafood kitcken always bring joy to other and he always know that i can always cook. their are so many people that think that the can just do seafood they just really can because when you do seafood their are so much things you have to know like how long the fish and shrimp if you live it to long its not so good cant even eat the food too. So much powder you have to put only for one thing. he also have ten love Seafood all over.The day when he had pass that had hit everyone because he was so hearthly and 6feet 7 so tall and always drinking coffie until this day his Love Seafood still living. His Seafood is so good where people wanted to buy what he put in the season , but he didnt let that happened because no one never show him nothing he had learn everything on his own and he didnt want to just give it away to now one, but if you are around him just watch and you have to see and remember what had went in the season

1 comment:

  1. i love seafood and i could picture your uncle making it.
