Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The First Time - Char'De

The first time I drove a car. I was 15 when I had my first driving experience. My sister had picked me up from cheerleading practice that day and was on her way bringing me home. Before we had got to my house we had went down a neighborhood and she had asked me did I want to drive, and of course I said yes because all of my friends knew how to drive and some of them had cars already. I started off driving really slow because I didnt want to lose control and hit something. But she told me to pick up speed anyway. As I picked up speed there was a corner I had to turn I wasnt really sure of how small of a turn I had to make. But when I did turn I made a wide turn which almost took up the whole street. From that day on I just practiced more and my driving skills got better.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you felt, really excited to finally drive, but when we get behind the wheel we turn really nervous. Once we practice a little more we lose the nervousness. I can relate to this piece. (Luis)
