Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Earliest Memory (Jeremy Stewart)

My earliest memories are of my grandmother, my moms mother. I love her so much because no mater what I broke or tore apart she always forgave me, even if I should of been punished. I loved going to Canada to visit her because her house reminded me of the mansions I saw in movies and she also had a huge backyard that looked like a forest as far as the eye could see. She was also a great cook, one of the best I've ever known. Just the simple eggs and bacon tasted so good. However, she was very old back when I was a kid but she showed no signs of waver. Still, everyone passes away and her time had come on a cold christmas day while my family and I happened to be in Chicago at the time. I still remember sitting there playing Ray-Man on the Atari Jaguar, then I could hear my mother crying and my dad walked out of the rooom with a sad look on his face and told me grandma passed away. When it happened I was small and didn't really understand but now when I think back to what happened I can barley hold back my tears. My mom took that very hard and thanks to the comfort of her side of the family and my dads she got over it. Nevertheless, I still don't think anything will ever fill the hole in our heart for anyone in my family. One day i do know that when I pass away I will see her again with a big smile on my face.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy--

    This is a lovely piece of writing. Thank you for sharing it with the class.

