Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ten Pleasures (LaDonna)

1. Praise Dancing
2. Taking pictures
3. Cheerleading
4. Track
5. Laughing
6. Watching Harry Potter Movies
7. Watching my little brother play
8. Eating
9. Smiling
10. Dancing

Hardwork is the foundation of this activity. Frustrating, so why would anybody want to participate in such an activity. Well it's the determination that one gains. Striving to do better, the push your coaches enforce. Also the sense that there are others who really and truly believe in you. Its the familiar smell of the gym, the chalk on the wooden un-even bars. You work hard to hit the stunts and when you do the feeling of accomplishments. The fear of the tumble pass, failing and embarrasment. All is overcome when you land it and all praises come your way. The look on your moms face knowing that she is satisfied. Not so much the early rising on competion morning. More of the new places you travel to, the smell of hairspray, and make-up on little five-year girls prancing around thinking how cute they are. The sound of fans clapping as you walk on the familiar blue floor. The rise of your heart beat as you await the start of your music. The blood rush as you go through your routine like you never have before. The nerves that run through your body as you wait for the final results. The heart-breaking dissapoint of being named second best. It is overcome by the strive to work harder and become the number one team. National Champions. Oh the joy it would bring to walk around in that black letterman. So you are back at your foundation. Hardwork is my lesson from this. My pleasure: The Intensity of Cheerleading.


  1. LaDonna-
    This is fabulous writing. I love your attention to detail--sounds and smells. You convinced me of the pleasure you receive in this intensity.


  2. I too, enjoyed this piece. I could actually feel it!!

