Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Writing Time (Arielle)

The only free time i have is before class, before work, and after work. After work is when i get most of my writing done, i am some what of i night owl. My mom said i should be a vampire because i stay up late doing everything. I listen to music when i am typing,it helps me flow throw the words i am typing. I write in my room, my room is my safe place, the place where i can let my mind wonder freely with out no problems. I don't have a social life outside of school, but it is not something i really need right now yet i feel like i been missing thing going on around me. Every tells me once you get that great job you are working for you will have all the social time you need. The up side is i got a 3.0 GPA with out having a social life, with having a boyfriend, my life is to stressful as it is so i am doing good sitting at home and work my ass off to pay my way thought school, and to pay my car note.

1 comment:

  1. (JALisa)WOW! i can relate to not having a social life outside of schoool besides my family and my man friend(i guess that's what should call him lol). i just dnt have time for all that fooliness, im about my business with this education and being success with my career. and yes i feel that i am missing out on all of things but i look at that this way, while they partying and drinking and doing all that fun stuff, we are the ones that is reading and educating ourselves to be the best we can in the future. that stuff will be there to do when we finish our career and be making all the money and they looking back wishing they didnt do all that stuff. you stay focus and keep being yourself and be best Arielle that you can be, allow God to lead you in the direction bc he will never lead you wrong...Good Luck with your book!
