Monday, June 29, 2009

What works for me...(JaLisa)

When I get on the computer to start typing my book, I have to go to and play my play list. It consists of R&B songs. That really help me relaxes and I can think better when I listen to music. I cannot be at my house when I'm doing any kind of homework. I get too distracted with the t.v. and wanting to see what movie they have on Lifetime. Even I would want to eat at all times. I want to go and stand in the pantry to see what kind of snacks I could eat. But this is the thing, I cannot eat and type. I be so focus on my food that I will not be focus on what I really need to be. I can't chew and think at the same time, also. I know this may sound weird but I just can't explain it.

During a stressful time of if I am wondering about an issue that I have going on, I cannot concentrate on my typing. I have a bad habit wondering off in space and start think about things that are next week or things that will probably never happen. I have a problem with sitting still in one place for along time. My nerves get bad and I begin to move around in my chair. I would have to get up and walk around for a couple of minutes. I have to do that especially when I get really sleepy, which happens offen. It's like I can be alert and doing my work then all of a sudden sleepiness hit me across the face.

Now that I am learning my weakness about studying and typing this book, which require a lot of sitting and staying in one spot, I try new and different environments. Like going to the library when I am typing my book. I think that really helps me with wanting to type and keeping focus. I just love the quietness and peace that I get from being in the library. I am looking forward to finish this book and see the improvement that I made about myself, like being focus and determined to apply myself fully to this commitment I have to school.

My writing process. (PHONG)

Whatever you do, don't lock yourself inside a room and open a word document. That never works for me. Sometimes, it takes encouragement, maybe even a little push for me to be motivated enough to right. However, if the urge isn't there, it's hard write. Don't wait last minute to finish a portion of the book neither. When you're in a rush as you write, nothing will make sense. Maybe it will for you, but for me it doesn't. For me, what seems to work is to type it on my iPod as I try to go to sleep at night. It seems that my thought are my settled when I'm on a bed. I also don't force the issue. If a section of the book is on my mind and I want to write about it, I am not worried about jumping around subject. A little warning though, if you start and stop, the reader can tell that you're in a different mindset if you're not careful. It might be useful if you find a room or location in which you're not as easily distracted, but not suffocated by. Take breaks when you need it, there's not sense in forcing the goal of two hours of writing, or three page as a goal when you're worn out and need a drink... of water. Do things that work in the first place, if you find your niche, stay there.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Writing Process (Julia)

I am a BIG procrastinator and I get distracted too easily so it's very hard for me to get things done in an organized way. I work a lot and would come home tired. These are my excuses but I know they are not good enough. I have many excuses for not getting things done and I always promise myself to start on the book. For example, I would tell myself that I would do it tomorrow morning, and on that morning I would tell myself I have to do it after work, but after work I would tell myself I have the whole night but as the night becomes morning, I'll tell myself I can start tomorrow, etc. My writing process includes jamming everything in one night. This is an example of what not to do. A good advice I can at least give is to think about what to write about during your free time. It works for me because I can at least have a plan. What I have done the most is staring at the screen for a long time, and do nothing. What I do now is think about what I should write as the structure and then put in as much details as I can. I remember Mysti always telling us to describe places, people, and the surroundings so I would think about these things as I think about what to write and make littles notes in my head. A place I can never get work done is my home because it's not much of a learning environment. The library is a much better place since it's quiet and nice there. I hope these advice help. [:

What Works For Me (Luis)

When it is time to write I pull out my pen and my spiral. I stare at the blank page and begin thinking what the heck Mrs. Rudd wants us to write about. This thought has also been going on since she first assigns each prompt. Once I figure out what is meant by the prompt. I then start to brainstorm; this takes me awhile because I then have to think of things that have happened to me that would best suit the topic. I start writing on paper because it works better for me, but I tend to switch it up every once and awhile. When I decide on a topic I start writing and when I think I have explained enough I stop and re-read what I wrote because when I write I make real simple errors that even I can catch.
It’s hard to study or write at my house because my dad watches his TV in the living room and my mom watches hers in the kitchen and then it turns in to a battle to see who can have their TV the loudest. It seems to me that everyone in the house is deaf because even when we talk we speak in a loud voice. I really don’t understand why my dad has to have his TV so loud because he is maybe sitting eight feet from it but I stand in another room and can hear it perfectly fine, but he gets mad when I have the music “too loud” in the car and tells me that I’m deaf. Whatever!! So I try and write when I’m home alone or if I know I have to get something done I go to the Lamar Beaumont Library because it is closer to my house and I’m still as student there. I find an open study room in the upstairs floors and go into a quite place where I can have some peace and quiet to my own. It’s bad enough that my mind wonders when I try to concentrate on something but to also be where it is not quiet is worse.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My writing process...(Summer)

For me the process of writing is a little bit challenging. That is because I have to have silence and in my house that is non-existant. I don't even think my kinds understand the concept of silence or what the phrase "Shhhhhhhhhh" means. They just keep on going as if I never said a word. I don't even know what silence is like anymore. And when I do have silence I don't know what to do with it. But really, I have to have some real quiet time to get the juices in my brain flowing. I usually have to lock the kids out of the house for a couple of hours or when my husband gets home I lock myself in our bedroom. That is the only way I can really focus and concentrate. And even then it might not work because shortly after I lock myself in the room they are banging on the door for some water or something. I have to remind them that their dad is in the other room and to go get him. Once I get going and in the mode I am good though.

My Writing Time (Arielle)

The only free time i have is before class, before work, and after work. After work is when i get most of my writing done, i am some what of i night owl. My mom said i should be a vampire because i stay up late doing everything. I listen to music when i am typing,it helps me flow throw the words i am typing. I write in my room, my room is my safe place, the place where i can let my mind wonder freely with out no problems. I don't have a social life outside of school, but it is not something i really need right now yet i feel like i been missing thing going on around me. Every tells me once you get that great job you are working for you will have all the social time you need. The up side is i got a 3.0 GPA with out having a social life, with having a boyfriend, my life is to stressful as it is so i am doing good sitting at home and work my ass off to pay my way thought school, and to pay my car note.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Put It On Paper (Bianca)

Writing is my escape. It's my way out of an uncompromising world and light at the end of the darkest tunnel. When you write, it gives you courage to say what you otherwise wouldn't. I find myself making time to write. When I'm upset, when I feel like giving up, when I want to vent and let out whatever emotion I may be in contact with, I write/type until my hands hurt.
From prayers to 'to-do lists', writing has gotten me through many of life's storms. Death, sorrow, and the most joyful times can all be read and understood in my writings.

I have stationary in every room of my house. I can sit out on my patio and enjoy the sounds of life as I write. My favorite songs playing while I complete a final thought, is my favorite. My son is starting to develop a love for writing. No, his interests aren't the same as mine, but writing is writing...even if it is love letters at the age of 12.

My Writing (Colin Fisher)

Whenever i have something that i need to write i always set up plenty of time for me to write. i cancel plans, wake up early, go to bed late, and try to get off of work early. Yet i always fuck it up because i have so much free time to write i screw off. i end up not getting nearly enough done if any i am wasting book time right now. i never do papers early always last minute, there is nothing like the adrenaline of fear pumping through you to get your fingers to move. For things that help me write there is only one and it is music. Normally music is distracting but dependent on what is on i might hear a word or phase that will cause something to click and i will run off with it and not realize pages flew by. On the other hand it is also a distraction, because if nothing clicks and i notice my hand is moving i find out i was copying the lyrics down. Other distractions are anything and everything. Motion, sound, light, smells, if it gets a sense's attention it can throw me off track, i almost have to go into a zen mode like meditation before writing. The worst distraction of all is typing. Since i am at a computer i have the internet, which while i am typing constantly keeps tempting me to open it and every time the temptation wins. That is also the reason why i have to write down all my work so when i type it i am focusing on the paper and not the screen.

Fight to Write (Mandy)

What, you ask, where do I find the time. I am still trying to figure that one out. I've tried thinking about what to write as I'm driving down the highway headed to work or school, but of course, I'm driving and there's not much I can do to write it down, so I end up losing it. I found out that wasn't productive. All it did, was make me aggravated that I couldn't remember what I had rehearsed in my head. I have also attempted to write with all four of my kids awake. Ha! That didn't work to well either, with all the commotion of fighting between siblings and having a two year old grabbing everything in sight. It just don't work like that, plus I discovered that they weren't getting what they needed from me. So, I decided to leave my books in the car until after they've all gone to bed, and then, once everyone is silent and snuggled in bed, I exhaustively walk out to my car, bring my books in, sit at the kitchen table and try to remember the reason I'm really do this. Once I get past the thoughts of, I need to do house work...I need to go to bed... I didn't get much done today...Am I going to be up till 3:00am again tonight? I began to try to think of what to write...that is... with what's left from my brain from the long hectic day at school and work. Once I get past those thoughts and start to relive my memories, words just start to flow. It is then, that I am able to write.

Your Own Personal Writing Process (Mysti)

In order to complete this assignment this semester, you have to carve out time and space to actually get the work done of putting words on a page. When and where are you finding time to do this? What are you having to give up in order to get this job done? Where do you write, when do you write? What helps you become more productive--and what hinders your progress?

As for me, I like to write in the late afternoon (between 3 and 5) at the Starbucks across from Central Mall. I always sit outside, even if it is 99 degrees--sipping a hot grande breve latte in the meager shade (all the umbrellas have apparently blown away). Here I hand write on a yellow legal pad with a blue extra-fine Pilot Precise V5 rolling ball pen. When I finish the bottom of a third page, I generally quit writing, as my motto (borrowed from Julia Cameron in her book The Right to Write) is "Three pages per day . . . three pages per day." Sometimes I scribble around the edges of the page since I have met my quota but have not found a resting place between what I wrote and what it is I am trying to say. (Like today, for example!)

Sometimes these ramblings seem like diary entries, sometimes they become the first step of conceptualizing my goals and dreams. Occasionally they turn into essays or poems, letters or e-mails that I end up typing up at a later date. If nothing else, they exist as a measure of my mood and concerns, and I always, ALWAYS feel better when I get up from the table after having written my pages. In fact, I feel pretty darn good while I am writing--the very act of allowing myself the freedom to "say what I really want to say" is a gift to me, helping me discover who I am, where I've been, and where I'd like to be. Time slips away when I am writing while sipping my latte--and I don't notice the heat, the noise from the street, the cheezie piped in music. I am "in the zone" as an athlete might say--and when I am done, I feel complete.

My Writing So Far (Jeremy Stewart)

When I first started writing I tried using the ten signinificant events to help me write. It was working but for some reason I wanted to shortin it, I got to about five pages and realized that this isn't working for me. I talked to my parents about it and they suggested I write about what I'm really feeling. So far it's been workin however, my grammar, switching between past tense and present, and my dialogue isn't very good. I've been learning from the past workshops durring class and that really helps. I just hope I can drag on my new story for twenty four pages. I still don't know how I'm gonna do that because I have never written this much in my life.

My Earliest Memory (Jeremy Stewart)

My earliest memories are of my grandmother, my moms mother. I love her so much because no mater what I broke or tore apart she always forgave me, even if I should of been punished. I loved going to Canada to visit her because her house reminded me of the mansions I saw in movies and she also had a huge backyard that looked like a forest as far as the eye could see. She was also a great cook, one of the best I've ever known. Just the simple eggs and bacon tasted so good. However, she was very old back when I was a kid but she showed no signs of waver. Still, everyone passes away and her time had come on a cold christmas day while my family and I happened to be in Chicago at the time. I still remember sitting there playing Ray-Man on the Atari Jaguar, then I could hear my mother crying and my dad walked out of the rooom with a sad look on his face and told me grandma passed away. When it happened I was small and didn't really understand but now when I think back to what happened I can barley hold back my tears. My mom took that very hard and thanks to the comfort of her side of the family and my dads she got over it. Nevertheless, I still don't think anything will ever fill the hole in our heart for anyone in my family. One day i do know that when I pass away I will see her again with a big smile on my face.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Process of writing my book (Shelonda)

My process of writing the book came fairly easy. A friend of mine took this class this past spring semester and was telling me how she had to write a book. So I had a little extra time to think about what I wanted to write about. Getting started came fairly easy because after the hurricane I was really busy with a lot of things and I could almost remember everything that had happen afterwards. I figured if there was anything interesting in my life, that it happened after the hurricane hit. My life before that in my own opinion was boring. Trying to remember what happen and when was okay. Sometimes I would forget something or what someone had said and had to go back and put it in. I had to squeeze in things that I thought was important in certain places sometimes. Going back and writing about some of the things I did go through made me cry. I didn’t think that those certain parts would make me so emotional.

My Progress in Writing - Char'De

Thinking before you write helps alot its good to write down your ideas and thoughts. It helps express your feelings with things your going through in life. Writing has not really helped me at all, I still dislike writing and I always will. It is good for others that like to express themselves and that like to express they're thoughts and things that they may have experienced in life.

The First Time - Char'De

The first time I drove a car. I was 15 when I had my first driving experience. My sister had picked me up from cheerleading practice that day and was on her way bringing me home. Before we had got to my house we had went down a neighborhood and she had asked me did I want to drive, and of course I said yes because all of my friends knew how to drive and some of them had cars already. I started off driving really slow because I didnt want to lose control and hit something. But she told me to pick up speed anyway. As I picked up speed there was a corner I had to turn I wasnt really sure of how small of a turn I had to make. But when I did turn I made a wide turn which almost took up the whole street. From that day on I just practiced more and my driving skills got better.

Ten Pleasures - Char'De

10 things that please me...

Vanilla Ice Cream
Playing with my daughter
Chocolate candy
Hot Baths
Being with my friends
My favorite tv shows

The main thing that pleases me is music. I could listen to music all day. Music is soothing and calming depending on what type of music you listen to. I like to listen to R & B, Rap, and Hip-Hop music. I listen to music alot when I have alot on my mind. It just makes all of the worries and problems go away.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Writing a Book *LaDonna*

It's not as easy as people make it seem. It takes time and patience. Alot of time. It is a good experience, though. When I first started writing my book I had a completly different mind frame then what I have now. "It will b easy and fun. I'm going to be done in no time." I thought to myself. Now things are diferent. I can't seem to find the right words to type. Everyone keeps botheering me. The words always seem to come to me when I have chores. LOL!!! But that is when I am really motivated. When I want to do it, nothing comes, but when I have other things to do everything just pops into my head like a firecracker! I always take advantage though. I hate that I'm not this brilliant writer. It would be so much easier if I knew what I was doing. My mother is so nosy, she wants to know what my story is about, but I don't want her to tell anybody. Why is it that when I am really in the zone, people always want to talk to me then a good t.v. show comes on. UGH!!! That isnt fair. Writing a book isn't bad but it isn't easy. I take my serious. My story is kind of jacked up, but its coming together slowly, but surely. The hardest part about writin a book, to me is the title. I have been thinking about it since I first started my book, maybe a little before. All in all, things are going smooth.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Smell My Worries Away (Bianca)

"Here I am, sugar" was her way of letting me know that I could come on in. Walking into her bedroom door, I smelled rose petals and baby powder.
"Come on over. I've got a spotjust for you."
She pulled back the sage-green and creame colored comforter and matching sheet. I hurried to take off my shoes and took my hair down from its well groomed pony-tail.
"Now, tell me all about it."
I remember being in such a relaxed state of mind as she twirled my hair with her fingers. I closed my eyes, took a deep cleansing breath and started to release. As she received all of my detailed information, she listened with my feelings and best interest in mind. Her encouraging words seemed to roll from her mind effortlessly. As she spoke, I could only lie there with the smell of rose petals and baby powder taking all of my worries away.

I Don't Remember by: ( A. Nicole Welch)

I dont remember telling my Biological Mother i loved her; and actually meaning it.
I dont remember things i dont remember
I dont remember names well
I dont remember the first "c" in school i made .
I dont remember the name of the first boy who had a crush on me in school
I dont remember all the names of guys i have dated
I dont remember the first time i got a ticket( driving)
I dont remember the last time wet the bed
I dont remeber the first time I wet the bed
I dont remember making up my bed as a child
I dont remember my first friend
I dont remember the name of my cat that dug into my right arm
I dont remember my first swimming suit
I dont remember the name i said i was going to change Albertha into
I dont remember my first teenage boyfriend's mother's name
I dont remember all the things i should be ashamed of!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Forgotten Voice (Tuan Tran)

The Forgotten voice
Home at last home at last I said to myself. Relieved, I headed towards the couch in my living room floor to lay down for a time for peace. As I pondered through my thoughts I notice a portrait of my father in his 20's on top of a metallic bookshelf with various metals and diplomas around it. His hair was long perhaps 3-4 inches as his skin seem to be untouched with no battle scars. The radiance of his skin shines from the afterglow of the camera flash and his eyes seems like that of an innocent man which illuminates as the camera flash shines upon it. I began to reminisce through my past memories of my dad and soon began to realize. His voice... What was it? Burying my face into the pillow behind me I began a imagery of past memories of me talking to him. Words would slip out of the figure as it spoke to me, but the voice would seem to be replaced with that of another man. Argh! Why can’t I remember! I said to myself as I paced around the living room floor. Soon I began to realized that I've lost a special part of my life and hopefully that will never happen again.

Touched By An Angel (Mandy)

It was all in a dream.... Scenes from my life flash before my eyes. All I remember was the feeling of hopelessness, uneasiness, shame, despair, heartbreak. There was an imagine of what I believe to have been a man. He was wearing a black suit, but yet, I saw no face. I remember standing there before him and he lifted up his hand, put it on my shoulder, and at that very moment all the feelings of despair left from me and immediately came peace. I don't recall hearing a voice. But the feeling was so strong, it was if he were saying, it's going to be okay. I don't know to this day what this meant, but I find myself going back to that time. Even though it was just a dream, the feelings were so real. It could have been because of everything going on in my life at that time, and I needed some kind of peace, but whatever the reason was, it brought me that of which I needed.

The Body of Memory-Touch (Colin)

The number of scars on my body are staggering. I think I have about 20 to 30 scatter everywhere. My hands have smallest scars but contain the most with at least one per finger. Even though the damage on the tips are not "scars" by the time they heal I chew them up again. I have scars on both my wrists as well. They were caused by a bike accident when I shielded my face as I flipped over the handlebars. I also have very large scars on my elbows and knees from the same bike accident. On my left hand I have a scar from a wart I never knew I had, as well as a wart on my right arm. Not far from the wart is a red dot where i stabbed myself on a screw getting on top of the freezers at work. I have one more external scar next to my left eye where the corner of a car door stabbed me, barely missing my eye. All of these scars are caused by my habit of being injury prone because of my inablity to pay attention to my surroundings. Even though you cannot see them i have six more physical scars. These scars are located in my mouth. I have six fake teeth. The grinded down nubs of my real teeth serve as physical and emotional scars for my neglect to take care of myself.

My First Time { Shala}

Coming from a very big family, I was the first to ever graduate from high school a year early. Everyone was so proud. My first day coming to school, I must admit I was so scared and nervous but after a while it wasn't so bad. My proffessors was very nice and they actually taught lessons unlike most people I have heard about. The first time ever in my life I experienced a death of a resident i cared for while working at a nursing home and really becoming close to them. Yeah, they might have cursed me out a few times but you can't help but love It's funny how life goes because one day you can be so joyful and feeling so right and then BOOM! your gone. That's why i try to just sit back and enjoy life because you never now when it's your time. The time I thought I was going to have an experience of being a mother, it was taken away from me so fast. When i found out I was pergnant, first thing i thought was "What am i going to tell my parents" and "I don't need this." I was so hurt because i knew i had let my parents down and not to mention my dad was looking for me to mess up. Most importantly I knew then that i had let my mom down of most people because she would stay on me and my little sister about how she hope we don't mess up and how she didn't want us to make the same mistake she did. But then I was having real bad stomach cramps and started bleeding so i was rushed to the hospital and then i found out that my experience of being a mother was vanished.

The one and only special smell * Eileen*

The person that always bring back memories in my family is my uncle. When he make seafood its always smelling so good .I always remember that when he mixed the season he want tell no one because he want you to watch and learn how to do anything that he did for the seafood kitcken always bring joy to other and he always know that i can always cook. their are so many people that think that the can just do seafood they just really can because when you do seafood their are so much things you have to know like how long the fish and shrimp if you live it to long its not so good cant even eat the food too. So much powder you have to put only for one thing. he also have ten love Seafood all over.The day when he had pass that had hit everyone because he was so hearthly and 6feet 7 so tall and always drinking coffie until this day his Love Seafood still living. His Seafood is so good where people wanted to buy what he put in the season , but he didnt let that happened because no one never show him nothing he had learn everything on his own and he didnt want to just give it away to now one, but if you are around him just watch and you have to see and remember what had went in the season

Earliest Memory (Julia)

One of my earliest memories is when I walked out on my own. At five years old, I live with my parents in Berlin, Germany at an apartment. On a cold wet winter afternoon, I woke up from my usual nap. I could hear my mom rustling in the kitchen as I try to peak out of my door. When my mom cook she likes to open windows, and doors to let the smell out. As I could see the front door slightly open, I just had the urge to walk out. I don’t know why and because this was so long ago, my memory isn’t that vivid. The apartment is more of a tall building and to get out outside, you have to use the elevator to go all the way down. I think I was just a curious wild child. As I walk into the living room, I could see my mom being busy and she probably thought I was still sleeping. I got to the door and look out to the left and then to the right. In the hallway was no one. As I step out I slightly close the door and ran as far as I can. I then stop in front of the elevator and watched it open. Curiosity took over me as I step in and I try to reach the buttons but couldn’t because of my shortness, but it closed on its own anyway. Well it stop on a floor that I don’t know, and I just ran out and run through the halls in circles and then walk back to the elevator until it opens and repeat. It took awhile before I realize I was totally lost, but there was few adults stopping me and asking if I couldn’t find my mommy. Well as a five year old, I thought that if I get in the elevator long enough it will magically bring me back to my home. Eventually a security guard caught me and everything was solved.

A touch of Memory ~LaDonna~

Thin , almost nothing there. Not very much in length or width. Smooth the surface. It reminds me of nothing that it represent. So why was it so improtant taht I obtained it Why did I push my so hard to reach it. It's sharp and hard plastic edges reminds me of the hard work I put in towards my goal. Its very sleek, slippery. That reminds me of how I should enjoy my years as an young adult. things go by so fast and before you know it, the days are slipping away. The object is very flexible, but to fragile not to take care of. This is my mini-diploma. Its wallet size and it reminds me of my accomplishments. The real thing about it, care more for it than the actual diploma. How can something so little represent something so big in my life. When i close my eyes and just hold the object in my hands, i hear the screaming of the crowd at graduation. I feel the nervousness i felt when it was my turn to walk. The dissapointment I felt that I had to sit on the last row. Wow! When I hold this object in my hands, I get a sense of pride, I did it.

My Scars (Arielle)

Most of all my scares are on my legs. Starting at my ankles I have 2 burn marks from my roll blades being too lose. Little spots from mosquitoes bites I picked at. On my stomach a small hole from a pen or something I don't remember how I got it. On my right arm where I burned my arm with the thing you lite a fire crackers with. Over my right eye right thought my eyebrow is a long scare where I fell down the stairs at my grandparents house when I was little.

One of my earliest memories (Shelonda)

One of the earliest memories that I have is being in either the second or third grade at school. I had two best friends at the time. One was named Tamika and the other Tonya. We had all been best friends since kindergarten at St. Anthony’s. Well on this particular day something had happen and Tonya and Tamika were mad at each other and I was stuck in the middle. I remember having each one of them on either side of me holding my arms and pulling on me because they both wanted me to be their friend and not the other. I was being yanked from left to right continuously until I decided to let Tamika win because almost everyone in our class had sided with Tonya and I felt like Tamika needed friends too.

The Earliest Memory (Jeremy Stewart)

I have a very vivid memory of my mom's mother. I loved her so much because she was always nice to me. I loved going to Canada to see her and my grandfather. One thing i remember are her wonderful breakfasts you just couldn't beat it. Something as small as eggs and bacon tasted like a little piece of heaven but it wasn't just her cooking i loved but also how kind she was to not just me but my brothers sisters and my parents. However, all good things must come to and end sometime in life and it was a time id never forget. My grandmothers passing was hard for everyone especially my mom I don't remember much but i remember hearing her cry for hours while my dad tried to comfort her through this rough time in her life. Back then i was little and i didn't understand but now when i think about it i still can't believe shes gone. Nevertheless, I know everyone dies but when it's a family member it's one of the hardest things to get over in life but I always remember that shes watching over me and that someday I will see her again.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One Special Smell (Luis)

The one smell that brings back memories is the smell of gumbo it reminds me of my grandma’s homemade gumbo. When I think of the smell I can remember all the family getting together on special occasions to eat her specialty. I see my family gathered around her dark solid wooden round table that contained many scratches and scuffs. Everyone is passing the rice, potato salad, the buttered rolls, and the file’. I can hear my uncle Gary who is a jazz musician, talking about his upcoming gigs. I also hear my grandma talking about her childhood years. It didn’t matter how many times she told us the stories she would always tell them again. I can’t remember how many times she told us that her mom raised chickens and her dad milked cows. She always would talk about her Sundays meal consist of a can of pork-n-bean and a pound of ground meat, and she would always remind us that her favorite part of boiled chicken was the skin. Anytime someone orders a chicken gumbo and I catch a hint of the smell of the roux it takes me back to a special place and time in my life to when my grandma was alive.

The sound of memory (Elizabeth)

I am nine years old, short for my age and some what of a tomboy. My brown hair stays tied back in a pony tail and my large brown eyes watch my dad eager to help any time I can. I sit on a nearby gate watching my dad paint the last rail of our twelve acre long fence. As each stroke of his paint brush covers the splintered wood I watch the snow colored paint fall to the grass then I hear it. One of my favorite sounds, the sound of locust beatles chirping. As these beatles get ready for night the send loud chirping alerts to one another. It is almost as if this loud calling tells the sun she has done her job for the day and she sinks into the horizon. I look up to see some of the last beams of pink and yellow ligh fading behind the trees. The beatles harmony last until the last light has disappeared. The sun has closed her eyes for the night and I have spent another busy day with my dad. Now that I am older I often close my eyes and imagine these beatles chirping. Its rythm sends a sense of home and tranquility over me. Although it has been years since I have heard this sound sometime when the sun setting the harmony comes from my memory and brings a smile to my face.

The Body of Memory...Touch(Jalisa)

Well, when I sit back and observe all the scars on my body, which are very few. I can only think about the biggest scar there is, which is located on my left leg right above my knee cap. When i was in 2nd grade, my mother was doing my hair, she had sat the curling iron on the bed to do something in another room. She was in the middle of curling my hair. I was sitting on the edge of the bed but I decided to turn over and look at my hair in the mirror on the head board of my mother's bed. Not knowing that the curling iron was laying on the bed. I didn't realize that I was laying of it until it was to late and my skin was burned really bad. I being to cry and scream from the serious pain that i was experiencing. Now today I still have that scar that is shaped just like an curling iron..LOL. It will be on my leg for the rest of my life. With all that being said, the scar and pain that I recieved from the curling iron, reflects to the scar that's in my heart from people hurting me. Mostly men....with all the relationships that I have been through and my relationship with my father is just like me painful experience with curling iron scar. I was so curious about getting into the relationships that I had to move to fast instead of waiting and being patient to see what the outcome of friendship would be. Now that goes back to when I wanted to see how my mother was doing my hair, instead of waiting until she was finish. But oh no, I just had to see what she was doing and got hurt. In relationships I always rush into them and end up getting hurt in all of them. When I got burn, I screamed and cried just when I was hurt from being in an unhealth relationship. After all the hurt and pain was over, I still have a scar in my heart. Just as I have this scar on my leg. This scar that I have in my heart from the past relationships, it will go with me everywhere and wrost of all it will interfer with the relationships that I am trying to build now with people now, especially males. No matter how much coca butter I put on my 14 years old scar, its so big that it will not disappear. That's the same thing with the invisible scar in my heart. No matter how many times they say I'm sorry or try to patch things up with me, yes I have forgave all of them, but the scar still remains......

"The Body of Memory" handout. (Summer)

The sun is shining and a breeze is blowing softly through the trees. The flowers are in bloom and I can see the old wooden swing hanging from the large oak tree through the kitchen window of my grand-parents house. It is a beautiful summer day. I can smell the lemons as we are cutting them in half. My Grammy is taking the halves and squeezing the juices out of them into a cup. No, we are not making lemonade. I am about the age of thirteen or fourteen and we are extracting the juice from the lemons to put in my hair. Supposidly it acts as a natural dye to highlight my dirty blonde hair. Unknowingly though we forget to strain the pulp as she pours it into my hair. It makes a little bit of a mess and yes it is quite a funny sight to see. My Grammy tells me we can just wash it out later. I am now headed out the wooden, white screen door into the backyard where I will be basking in the sunlight. The sun should act as an agent in the dying process. I have my lawn chair and my towel and I am ready to go. It sure is hot out here.


  1. Praise Dancing
  2. Going to Church
  3. Going to School
  4. Spending Time With My Nieces & Nephew
  5. Going to Family Gatherings
  6. Shopping
  7. Helping Others
  8. Working Out
  9. Listening to Music
  10. Hanging with My Friends

Praise Dancing gives me a feeling no one or anything else can ever give me. I love dancing because I now that I'm dancing from my heart and not just to do say i praise dance. i must admit it's been a little over a year since i danced because, of work and school. Dancing brings out alot of things in me because i get to express myself and things i been or maybe going threw through it. Last time i danced was for my grandmothers 70th surprise party. I had to learn a complete dance in 2 days and to say that this was my family i was dancing in fron of I was so nervous. Before the party the devil was so busy trying to destroy me but I didn't let that get to me, because this was my grandmother and this was something i loved to do. Once i began to dance it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and she loved it. I love praising dancing because it helps me let go.

Monday, June 15, 2009

favorites (Elizabeth)

1. laughing until it hurts
2.watching the sunset on the water
3.holding my boyfriends hand
4.decorating my home
5.horseback riding early at sunrise
6. dark chocolate that melts in my mouth
7.reading at the lake
8.the sound of horses hooves
10.the smell of leather

I love the smell of morning air. I love the way the grass is slippery under my feet. The first light reflects off a almost blue colored fog that hides the ground. I walk the short journey to our old red stable. I feel as if I am floating on the white mist at my knees. As I slide the towering doors to the stable open the silhouette of twenty pointed ears turn my direction. A small quiet whinny from an old friend brings a smile to my face. The tack room door (difficult to open at times) seems to have mercy on me this morning. The smell of leather overwhelms my senses and I stand still taking in the fragrance. As I gather the necessary tack I realize my impatient friend has let himself from his stall. His breath is warm and creates puffs of white smokiness coming through the old wooden door. He is just as excited for our morning adventure as I am. I hurridly tack him being anxious to get on the trails. As I put my foot in the stirrup and adjust my seating T.J. dances under me , his shoed hooves making a loud clacking on the concrete, one of my favorite sounds. The crisp cold morning air sends pulses of energy through his body and he is ready to run. I keep him at a slow pace until we reach the meadow and relax the reins. His muscles tense and ripple under his glistening coat. The pure strength of this half ton animal is released. The wind whips at my face and blows my hair straight back as it wisp past me. This is pure joy. The moment that every care that has burdened me is left in the fog, disappearing in its smokiness, far behind me and T. J. We are alone now, racing the wind ...just me and T.J....The perfect morning.

Pleasure (Phong)

10 things that pleases me.

1) Eating
2) Being around family
3) Being able to handle situations under pressure
4) having responsibility
5) Knowing that I am able to learn if I try
6) Making A's
7) Being physically active
8) Watching stand-ups
9) Teaching a dog how to sit
10) Watching magic tricks

The thing that I find the most pleasure in doing is eating. All sorts of food and snack, from a microwavable salsbury steak tv dinner to sugar-coated strawberries. I eat when I'm hungry, bored, or just for fun. Coming from Port Arthur, I've learned that there's not much you can do on the weekend but to go out and eat at the plentiful chained restraunts. There is however a movie theatre and a bowling alley, which serves a mean plate of nachi chilli cheese fries. I however enjoy devouring a bowl of fruits. My favorite has to be mangos. fthere's something about the different kind of mangos that just keeps my mouth entertained. When mom is slicing up the mango that I have chilled in the fridge, my mouth waters when I catch sight of the suculent seed that I always ask for. Wouldn't it be something iuf I were to be able to move to the tropics where there would be riped mangos year round? I'd become a diabetic within days.
Something I absolutely love to eat is ice cream. Not any particular flavor, just in general. But a couple of my top picks includes: banana pudding, pistachio, and plain old homemade vanilla.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ten Pleasures (Tuan Tran)

Ten Pleasures (Tuan Tran)
*1. Competition
2. Family
3. Friend
4. Tennis
5. Bowling
6. Laughing
7. Food =D
8. Games
9. Parties
10. Bed

The thrill feeling of my first shot echoing repeatedly through the tennis court is nothing compare to the intensity of the deafening cheers of my tennis team. Just the feeling of my toes straddling through the court is invigorating and every second that passes by would feel like an eternity to me, but nothing stands to the marvelous pleasure I get when I hit my winning shot! Competition is my pleasure. Why? Because the feeling of watching another player competing for the same prize just arouses my interest to be and do better. To beat him is what I live for and to be the best is my goal. The sensation I get knowing that I can never be the best is what strives me to do better in all my work. To me the feeling of losing is almost the same as a thousand needles just constantly stabbing through my back provoking me to do better. I really don't know why exactly, but the urge I get when seeing someone just a little bit better then me aggravates my well being. Which is why competition is at most my favorite and number one pleasure of them all. I don't think there will never be anything out there that would ever replace the adrenaline I get from my number one pleasure --competition.

Pleasures (Luis)

My favorite pleasure that I have is to listen to my favorite music. I think it’s really funny that I love music so much and the only thing I can play is the radio. My favorite genre is Country music I also enjoy rap, R&B, and alternative. I guess the reason I like country music so much is because it is so easy to relate to the songs and maybe it’s just that I like the lyrics. I will have to say other than listening to music I like to relax while listening to music because the music lets me relax even more and helps me forget about all the thing I have going on in my life for that short period of time. Music also helps me day dream not saying I have to have it to day dream but it helps a lot. Some of the funniest times I have had with my cousin is driving in my truck and singing at the top of our lungs to some Faith Hill songs. I have to tell you that it was a blast. Her and I have also jammed out to songs and made our own dance moves; you should have seen the looks people were giving us as we passed them up on the highway. If those people thought we were crazy, well just put it this way I wouldn’t blame them. The only thing that I like more than listening to music through my head phones is to hear my favorite songs played live. I think concerts are so cool because you can sing along with thousands of other people that love the same music as you and no one can tell how bad one can sing. The best part of it all is when the performer stops and lets the crowd sing the next line and everybody is right on beat. What makes the experience even better is that the singer of the song is in the same building as you are. So I guess you say can that listening to music is one of my favorite things to do.

pleasures * Eileen *

Sunday, June 14, 2009

what pleasures me * Eileen *

1. My Family
2. hanging out with my boyfriend
3. cooking and baking
4. working out
5. Accomplishing my Goads
6. cutting hair and nail
7. shopping
8. my education
9. putting pictures together
10. saving money

I really don't know with one, Because i love to do most of it. My eduction always come first because everyday you always learn something new. When you know more things you can tell someone that don't know like they always say it not to late to learn anything its okay to be young or old ever you can learn no matter what you do in life. To get where you want in life you just have to do your best for yourself and to have a good carrier to push yourself really head and go for it and don't let no one put you down always tell yourself that you can and you will and also believe in yourself. their are times when others are hating on you because you have a good job in your hands and they don't, but what can you say you went to school and did your thing.Making your parents happy and telling them thank you for being their for you always believe in you . They always say your Family is always their for you in the end

what pleasures me * Eileen *

1. My Family
2. hanging out with my boyfriend
3. cooking and baking
4. working out
5. Accomplishing my Golds
6. cutting hair and nail
7. shopping
8. my eduction
9. putting pictures together
10. saving money

I really don't know with one, Because i love to do most of it. My eduction always come first because everyday you always learn something new. When you know more things you can tell someone that don't know like they always say it not to late to learn anything its okay to be young or old ever you can learn no matter what you do in life. To get where you want in life you just have to do your best for yourself and to have a good carrier to push yourself really head and go for it and don't let no one put you down always tell yourself that you can and you will and also believe in yourself. their are times when others are hating on you because you have a good job in your hands and they don't, but what can you say you went to school and did your thing.Making your parents happy and telling them thank you for being their for you always believe in you . They always say your Family is always their for you in the end.

Pleasures (Jeremy Stewart)

1. God
2. My family
3. Women
4 Video Games
6. Music
7. Sports
8. My education
9. Freedom
10. Hanging out with my friends

Women, I've always heard the saying you can't live with them and you can't live without them. However, as for me I love them with and i cant live without them. A world without women would be horrible. I cant really explain it but its like a never ending story because the world just would not revolve without them. I've always loved women and i always will and i very much doubt there will be a moment in my life where that changes. Women are anywhere and everywhere so the saying men are the forefathers of America is a small analogy since women are the mothers of the world. Now I know there are times when men can hate women but trust me you are making a big mistake because there is a women out there for you the only catch is you have to find her. Open your eyes and your heart because outer appearances aren't everything because inner beauty is more than meets the eye.

Pleasures (Bianca)

I thought my pleasures included my family, riding my motorcycle and spending time with my son and my boyfriend. I waited til today to post my blog because I wanted to write about my weekend. I hope you are sitting down for this one. Here we go...

It started off as planned but much to my surprise, it didn't end that way at all. I waited for my boyfriend to get off from work so we could meet my family in Dallas, but he decided to wait until 4 p.m. to tell me he didn't want to go. Oh, wait. this is about pleasures!!!

My pleasures include....
Ya know what, I don't want to write about my pleasures right now. I'm a little upset, but stay tuned. BRB

Pleasures Forever More! (Mandy)

  1. Tending to my home and family
  2. Knowing all is well
  3. To hear the words, "I love you Mommy"
  4. Being able to help those in need
  5. The feeling of accomplishment when I've completed a task (whether it be big or small)
  6. Everything clean and in it's own place
  7. Obedient and Respectful children
  8. Being in the Will of God (Which kind of goes along with knowing all is well)
  9. Visiting and having a good time with family and friends
  10. Relaxing(lying in the sun while the sun beams down own me)

There are many things that bring me pleasure in life, but being in the Will of God and knowing that all is well with me and my maker bring me the most. Many times, I have found myself out of His Will and I assure you, there is no pleasure there, but in His presence there's fullness of joy and His righteousness there's pleasures forever more. Sweet fellowship Divine, I am His and He is mine, in His presence there's fullness of joy.He is my strength when I am weak; He is my peace in the mist of the storm; He is my provider; He is my comfort; He is everything that I need. With having all of this, I am able to enjoy all the other things that life has to offer. From working to resting from playing to sleeping. Truly, they're pleasures forever more.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Ten Things That Please Me....(JaLisA)


2.Reading the Bible




6.Making others smile

7.Track and Field

8.Being with Kayleigh

9.Working out


When I read my Bible, everything around me seems invisible and I feel like I am in another world. All the problems and worries i had before i started reading suddenly disappear. The sensation of reading my Bible is so amazing. Plus, you gain so much knowledge! My relationship with GOD is so sincere. Knowing that i have pleased God is when i get pleasure. I love to sing and dance. I often sing to myself and start dancing out of the blue, then laugh at myself for acting so silly. LOL. I love listening to music. I listen to all kind of music but I mostly prefer to listen to Gospel or slow jams, old skool. Listening to music relaxes me and bring me to a different world. My mind feels free to think clearly. I love the beat of the music, especially when I play music in my car with my speakers. Also, shopping is like heaven to me. That also relaxes me. I have a passion for the sport Track and Field. I ran track for 7 years and loved every year. I just love the feeling I get when I'm at the start line in the blocks. From the butterflies feeling in my stomach to the numb feeling in my fingers. Feeling so anxious to pop out of the blocks but you have to wait patiently. I love the mixed emotions all at once, I honestly dont know why I like that but I like the rush. When I watch track meets on tv or even when I be sitting in the stands, I get that same feeling. Kayliegh is my wonderful godchild, that I treat like she is my own child. Her smile just brings a warm sensation to my heart. She is so intelligent at a tender age of 2 years. She holds conversations with me like she is my age. Her memory is A1. I love her so much and she is my little angel.

10 things that please me... (Summer)

1. Watching my children sleep.
2. Swimming
3. Reading
4. Singing in the privacy of my immediate family only.
5. Cooking
6. Gardening
7. Photography
8. Sitting by any moving body of water and relaxing.
9. Viewing art work
10. Sitting in my hammock.

Focusing in on the scene, getting everything just perfect in the view area. To some, it’s just point and shoot. To others it’s an art. Both though are memories frozen in time. Or at least until the pictures fade as Mother Nature takes her toll. No matter what, nothing can preserve a memory as perfect as a photograph. As time goes by memories fade and become less accurate. But when you find the album with those pictures in it you begin to remember every detail. I remember as a child always swiping the pictures from my family members. They all watch me now when pictures are left lying around. I love taking pictures. Very rarely will you actually find me on the receiving end of a camera. My actual interaction with photography didn’t start until the birth of my first child. From that day on I would never be caught anywhere without a camera. I have plastic photo bins full of pictures. My family all tell me that I should go into professional photography but that isn’t my passion. It is just something that I love to do and happen to be somewhat good at it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ten things i love(Arielle)

  1. Dancing

  2. Surfing The Web

  3. Playing My PS2

  4. Cooking/Baking

  5. Reading

  6. Writing Poems

  7. Texting

  8. Working

  9. Sleeping

  10. Chilling With Friends

Dancing is a passion that I was born with. My mother told me when I was learning how to walk I was dancing, every time I heard music I would dance. Dancing is the one way i can express myself without someone having to read it. When I am dancing I can free my self from everything that hurts, gets on my nerves & people that i would like to hurt. Dancing is an art form, a great way to get ride of stress. It sets my mind free to go to a place where no bad feelings are, just like when you read a book you can picture whats going on without really seeing it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Favorite Thing To Do (Colin Fisher)

My favorite thing to do is play video games. I started to love gaming at about the age of 10. It all started with strategy games where you play from a bird's eye view of the world. The point of it is to control your people and try to take over the map, get enough points, or kill everyone else. Playing those types of games made me think about things a little bit more than I should. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing ,but it also opened my eyes to a new way to have fun. As time pasted I began to play many different types of games and learning to love the rush of winning or dying in very violent fasions. In the past three years my favorite types of games have shifted from the strategy type to the shooter (FPS) or massively multiplayer online type (MMO). I have been a World of Warcrafter gamer for years and I loved leveling up so much I think i had about twenty characters or so, but like all games there is an end. Once I got my favorite characters to the highest level and began to do the same thing over and over again I would get very bored very fast. Yet everytime an expansion comes out that raises the level cap I still buy it level up and quit again. I don't know why I keep doing it, I guess it makes me feel acomplished. When i'm not playing world of warcraft im playing halo. I love halo being able to kill other people. Being competative and being able to win just give me such a rush I guess you could say that my happy place is a pixelated universe that I control.

Ten things that pleases me (Julia)

1. Listening to my ipod nano before I fall asleep.
2. Drawing and loving the finish work.
3. Eating at a buffet with no lines.
4. Being with my group of close friends just hanging, talking, laughing, and giving advice about boys.
5. My mother saying she’s proud of me which is rare.
6. Shopping !
7. Eating late at night-like midnight-you know when you crave for snacks the most.
8. Being in love <3
9. Earning money.
10. Accomplishing a goal.

To be honest it’s really hard for me to choose just one because I like all of these but I’ll do my best. Drawing or even art can be one’s enemy. I met many people who hates drawing because they think they can’t, don’t know how, or just know how to draw stick figures. I want to tell them that’s okay and that drawing has no limit. It’s like you are creating your own world and you make the rules. An art also does not have to be magnificent to be called an art. You can also convey all of your emotions with just your hands. I love the feeling of seeing my finish work because to be honest I rarely do. I personally like to sketch and they are mostly things you see in real life. My favorite thing to draw is something with lots of details. When I start I’ll know it will take forever because of the perfectionist in me. When I’m halfway done, I usually doubt myself but I try to get it done anyways. When I do finish an artwork, I feel proud of myself, like it’s something that can become famous which really is not. So rather if it is painting, sketching, or just doodling, everyone should try and see what they can create. You never know you can be the next Picasso.

What pleases me (Shelonda)

One of my most favorite things to do in the world is to go to amusement and water parks. Whenever I visit my sisters in Ft. Worth, Texas we go to either Six Flags or Hurricane Harbor depending on the weather and what time of year it is. We definitely won’t to Six Flags in the summer because it’s too hot. We did that one year and we were miserable. We were wishing that we had gone to the water park instead. The first ride that we usually get on at Six Flags is the rollercoaster the Titan. This coaster has a top speed of 85 mph with the first climb and drop of 255ft. Talk about excitement. My sisters and I run around the park going from one extreme ride to another. Across the highway is Hurricane Harbor where when I go visit them in the summer we’re always making sure we hit that place. There’s a new ride there called the Mega Wedgie that opened last summer which stands four stories tall and sends you down at about 23 mph. You go down one side then up the other. It’s in the shape of one of those skaters ramps. The drop is so sharp that the attendant that helps you on to the float to slide down is strapped to stand with a rope around his waist so that he can’t fall off. I love amusement parks and water parks so much that when it comes on the Travel Channel I’m sitting there watching it if I can catch it.

Ten thing by ( A Nicole Welch)

Ten Things that please Nicole
1.Shooting Pool
2.Watching CSI
3.Kids Cleaning on their own
4.Bubble baths
5. Driving on open Roads
6. My Youngest son getting a good report
7. Margaritas
8. Ronald Ray my guy
9. Thoughts of my Grammy
10. Having my hobbies of my own
Shooting pool can be something that I could loose myself in or catch myself beginning to loose. So then I take a sip of a long beach; it’s a mix drink similar to a long island but it’s a fruity drink with different liqours , next a puff on a cigrette , getting in my stance ;eyeing my balls talking shit “ Who else thinks their going to get a chance to hit “. Not here this is my house and you cant come in.Most Of the time when I play with Ray I don’t win. Honestly he is the only man I have never been able to win. I don’t know if that other men are captvated by my skills, my appereance , or just too drunk to play pool with me. That’s funny I made my self laugh only because most people try to keep up with my Irish and indian blood line. But as my Grammy would use to say “one day child – you’ll see no one can keep up with a red neck, hotheaded, alcholic”. Well I am not an alcholic, but I am a red neck not in prejudice text but the fact that my pigment tone is red. And yes I can be a hothead. Goodday my hand hurts now.

"These are a few of my favorite things . . ." (Mysti)

I followed my own assignment and made my list of 10 things that bring me pleasure:

1. Eating dark chocolate while sipping dry red wine.
2. Holding baby kittens.
3. Swimming so far out in the Gulf that I cannot see the shore.
4. Singing along with the radio or my old guitar.
5. Laughing at myself (except when it’s not funny)
6. Sweating in Saunas, screaming underwater in hot tubs, and crying in steam rooms.
7. Falling asleep with a book in my hand.
8. Having my boyfriend read to me.
9. Buying things for my children that I would never give myself.
10. Decorating a new space—creating a sanctuary that I look forward to coming home to.

I have written about many of these things in the past, but today #6 is calling to me: the pleasure of sweating and screaming and re-calibrating my mind with my body. So, here goes:

Most people go to the health club to work out--lifting weights, running on treadmills, attending group fitness classes, etc. I, on the other hand, go there primarily to sweat. Though I love to swim, I have become allergic to chlorine, and I prefer to walk or run or bike outdoors rather than in a heavily airconditioned gym. So what is it that I love about my experience of the gym so much that I include it on my list, then pick it from among the rest to try to share with readers the pleasure I derive from it? Hmmm . . . I might have to reflect on this a bit . . .

Okay--I admit I have to force myself to drive to the gym and stuff my clothes into the locker after I change into my swimsuit, but once I enter the dry wooden sauna, I delight in spreading two towels out on the cedar bench to lie back upon with a smaller towel rolled up to form a pillow under my head. And then, I simply relax, and rather than resisting sweating, my mind says, "Bring it on!?" Sometimes I fall asleep before I've melted like the Wicked Witch of the West; but when I wake up, I feel so incredibly refreshed--as if I've had a whole night's sleep, when in reality it has only been twenty minutes.

From the sauna I take an icy cold shower before I hit the steam room. Every ten minutes or so the steam escapes from a hole in the floor, traveling up to the top of the room and clearing out my sinuses enroute. I like to kneel like a Muslim facing Mecca, letting the sweat travel down to my nose and then dropping onto the tile as I talk to my mother,my maker, and my father. I pray to let go of all that is bothering me, to remember who I am without my woes, to have compassion for myself as well as others.

After yet another cold shower, I hop into the hot tub and direct the jets to my calves, my shoulders, my neck. Then I completely submerge myself as if I were a tadpole. Under the water there is no time, no sound--no list of things to get done, nor judgements to shy away from. As I wave my tail to move around in the water effortlessly, I am home. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, tadpole to hot tub. Well, the analogy almost holds.

Ten Pleasures (LaDonna)

1. Praise Dancing
2. Taking pictures
3. Cheerleading
4. Track
5. Laughing
6. Watching Harry Potter Movies
7. Watching my little brother play
8. Eating
9. Smiling
10. Dancing

Hardwork is the foundation of this activity. Frustrating, so why would anybody want to participate in such an activity. Well it's the determination that one gains. Striving to do better, the push your coaches enforce. Also the sense that there are others who really and truly believe in you. Its the familiar smell of the gym, the chalk on the wooden un-even bars. You work hard to hit the stunts and when you do the feeling of accomplishments. The fear of the tumble pass, failing and embarrasment. All is overcome when you land it and all praises come your way. The look on your moms face knowing that she is satisfied. Not so much the early rising on competion morning. More of the new places you travel to, the smell of hairspray, and make-up on little five-year girls prancing around thinking how cute they are. The sound of fans clapping as you walk on the familiar blue floor. The rise of your heart beat as you await the start of your music. The blood rush as you go through your routine like you never have before. The nerves that run through your body as you wait for the final results. The heart-breaking dissapoint of being named second best. It is overcome by the strive to work harder and become the number one team. National Champions. Oh the joy it would bring to walk around in that black letterman. So you are back at your foundation. Hardwork is my lesson from this. My pleasure: The Intensity of Cheerleading.

Welcome to the Bloghouse (Mysti)

Congratulations! You have just co-created a class blog. As a hybrid course, you will have mandatory assignments that you must post before the end of the semester. Keep in mind that others even outside of this class may be able to peruse your blog, although only class members are allowed to contribute their writing.

Your first task is to post a list of ten things that bring you pleasure (if you dare), and then to write about one thing on this list. A minimum of twelve lines in the "create a post window" is required to get credit for your blog.

This can be a challenging assignment, so remember the words of Natalie Goldberg:
"It is a very kind act to take a friend's hand and show him or her the pleasure you have in something," (Wild Mind, 162).

You may want to write in microsoft word first, and then cut and paste into the blog, as the blog has been known to eat posts when it skips breakfast.