Monday, July 6, 2009

10 Things I'm Proud of... (Tuan)

10 Things I'm Proud of... (Tuan)
1. Kicking my asthma butt!
2. Smacking my blood problem in the face!
3. Finishing my 27 long hours of community Service. (Damn that took forever)
4. Graduating from High School. (Boo yah baby!)
5. Making it to the top 10% of my class. (What a pain in the butt it was.)
*6. Creating my Vanilla ice cream mix with Babe Ruth candy today. (Delicioso!)
7. Making my family proud.
8. Completing my damn book for Mrs. Rudd class! (Hours of pain and agony man)
9. Living life as it goes by. (Drama free)
10. Winning my first tennis game. (Can't beat us!)

It is one hour before midnight, as my glasses mirrors the bright image the silver/black laptop produced as it laided on my bed. With my laptop blasting its vocals ahead and my television to the left plays its little show. A beast within begin to roar, my little belly. "Argh... I'm so hungry." I said to myself as I stretched out my yellow flowered bed. Pulling down my white muscle shirt, I headed towards the kitchen and thought to myself, "What is there to eat?" As I open the right side of white fridge I began to scratch my butt through my silky blue pants and saw nothing desiring to eat. I then opened the freezer towards the left. With angels singing in my head, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH." There it was, vanilla ice cream! It was like the ice cream was floating towards me with this illuminating light, shining over around it saying to me, "Tony. Eat me. You know you want to." Instantly grabbed the one banana colored carton and went towards the sink to the left to scoop the ice cream into the medium size bowl left on the counter. With the bowl half full of the vanilla ice cream, I suddenly remember. I seen candy in the fridge! As I began to head back towards fridge. My mom yelled out to me in the living room couch, "Tony what are you doing?"
"I'm making ice cream mommy." I replied to her as I opened the fridge.
"Oh. Do you need help?"
"No mom, I got it." I said as I scan the fridge. Snickers, Babe Ruth, Orange Trident, and pepper mints (wthell is pepper mints doing in there?) were the only choices.
"Okay don't get hurt." (Wahh? Get hurt from making ice cream? Come on mom!) She said as I began choose.
"I wont mom. It's just ice cream." I said to her. "Snicker is the choice!" I said to myself as I grabbed the candy. "But I never tried Babe Ruth with ice cream before." I thought to myself as I dropped the snicker to grab the Babe. "Hmm this candy is to hard to break apart." I thought to myself as I began to bend it. "Time to go to drastic measures!" I whispered as I grabbed the plastic cutting board and knife. Because the candy was so hard to cut. I began to have second thoughts of sticking it in the ice cream because what if it turns hard as a rock? That shit will break my tooth! But I persevere. With two minutes of placing my full weight on the palm of my hand into the knife handled. It began to chopped. Crumbs were scattering everywhere throughout the white chopping board and I was complete. Lending the board towards my bowl, I began to use the opposite side of the knife cutting blade to slide off the scraps of candy on the board into the bowl. Afterwards I began to scoop up more of the delicious ice cream into the bowl to fill up the other half. Then... I began to squish and mix the candy into the ice cream crevasses. The fumes of the ice cream flowed by me, making my mouth watery as I placed the carton back into the freezer. With that I headed back towards my room anxious to eat it. I with a cheesy smile and nappy head, I sat down and began to dig in into its creamy texture. Finally as I began to lift the ice cream with my silver spoon, I began to move it towards my mouth. I stared at the spoon as the creamy texture of the ice cream along with the chocolaty chunks of the Babe Ruth candy began to glisten from the light above. Finally with the spoon in my mouth. I began to swirl and chew into the rock hard chocolate. The taste was marvelous. Just like the ice cream at Marble slab. Overall, the creation that I made today was mouth filling.

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