Monday, July 6, 2009

My Beginning to End (Tuan Tran)

"Finally! Schools over!" I said to myself. A graduate from DeQueen Elementry heading to become a more mature adolescent. With a cheesy smile on my head, I walked around school with my pockets jammed with the ceaseless M&M's and the teachers gave us that were slowly sagging my pants towards the ground. Strolling around the school, I noticed a weird thumping sound after every step I took. As I began to walk faster, the clanking sound would soon follow. Eventually I stopped to noticed that the sound would cease to exist after I stopped. Annoyed, I sat down in the middle of the hallway and began inspecting myself. As my eyes began to target my shoe, I discovered that there was a huge red tack lodge deep within the middle of my sneakers. Struggling to get the tack off my cleat. My english teacher, Mrs. Rhodes, happen to stroll by staring at me with a question marks in her head wondering why the hell is the bottom of my shoe was wedged between my mouth. The expression that broked out between us was priceless.

I admit the first couple of lines sucks and isn't as catchy as others, but I started it off that way to introduced my time of age and my personality at the time. I find that ending the the paragraph with the shoe in my mouth was a good way to show that the book is going to be very humorist.

Overall my graduation was awesome, as I slept at night smiling and repeating to myself. "All for you dad"

I ended my story with my graduation to show that the story was about what my titled actually said, "The Life of a Young Boy Growing Up." This book really show how my personality barely changed throughout the year. I guess I stopped there because it was one of the most recent significant event in my life and..... that I didn't have enough time to add more to the story. Which sucks btw. Though the last four words. "All for you dad," was placed there because after the incident. I knew my dad main goal was to see me graduate and grow. Though I really didn't explain it much within my book. That was the real reason why I ended it that way.

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