Monday, July 6, 2009

10 Proud Things-Elizabeth Domingue

1.Moving off alone
2.Qualifying for World
3.My relationship
4.Writing a 22 page book
5.Decorating my house.

I spent the last few months of my senior year listening to my friends talk about signing up for classes together, getting and apartment,and being roommates. I didn't have anyone moving to the same town I was so I had to do theses things alone. The reality of having to make all new friends and not knowing anyone in the town I was moving to did not hit until a week after school started. I went shopping at target and saw girls everywhere with their roommates picking out decorations and shopping. I drove home three hours crying that night. Maybe it had been getting to me awhile but that was the straw that set me off. I learned to deal with the fact that if I wanted to have friends in my new town I would have to make them. Once I came to terms with this fact I learned to love the town. It was a very hard time for me and I am proud of myself for not giving up.

1 comment:

  1. You are very brave. It would have been really hard for me to move to a town where I had no friends and if I had to leave my friends. This just shows how independent you are. But your right if you want friends you have to go out and make them.(Luis)
