Monday, July 6, 2009

Beginning and End-Elizabeth Domingue


Passion is an object of desire or deep interest; the state or capacity of being acted on by an external agent or force. Many confuse passion with love. These are two very different things. Although you can love your passion, love, one simple word does not describe this infatuation. This fascination that draws you to it, no matter how hard you try to concentrate and relate to other things it is there pulling you towards it.

Some find their passion after years of searching while others live their lives full of love but lack this attraction. What is a life without passion? It is living without feeling. It is living without being uncontrollably pulled to something. For me, I did not search. I was unaware that passion would find me. Early in life, without warning, I would be drawn to one thing. I would spend the next fifteen years devoting myself to it. Shedding blood, sweat, and tears to live up to my own expectations I set for myself. Striving to do better, I would learn more about life than I could have ever imagined. Living, breathing, and loving this one thing would change my life and pave the way for becoming the person I am today.

I started out talking about passion because it describes the theme of the book. It gives the reader a view of the importance of what the character loses later on in the story. I also added a summary of what the first of the book is about.

I will be moving off to college in two weeks. I am going to go to A&M. I want to be a vet, hopefully. I am going to miss him more than anything. He is my best friend and my safe place. I will be three hours away from him. I have never been that far. I am excited to meet new friends but nervous for the changes that are sure to occur.

“I set your boxes in your room,” my mom tells me when I come in from the stable. “It’s about time you start packing, I will be in there to help in a little bit.”

I open my door and look at the boxes stacked against my wall. I can’t help but think how much room has changed since I was little. Once bright and summery the walls are now red and brown. One thing remains the same. The picture. The one that inspired me to ride, the one that lead me to my passion. I will always love this picture just as I will always love riding. I don’t remember what it feels like to sit on a horse those memories seemed to slip away quickly but I do remember how it made me feel. It was the feeling of pure joy.

I ended the book by referring chapter one and a picture my mother gave me. I jumped to the end of high school and moving off to college to represent the change in my life. Although I was no longer able to ride the picture remained with me.

1 comment:

  1. It's a great way to start off the book. With emotions attached, a person can freely write. Sometimes we censor out too much of the things that we hold dearly. The way you plan to end the book makes sense also. Revisiting the beginning can really recapture what exactly you want to reader to know and feel. Good job.

