Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ten Thing that i am Proud of( Albertha Nicole Welch)

1.Returning back to school
2.Being a mother
3.Setting Goals for myself & Accomplishing them
4.Being able to get out of the night life safely
5.Martha Lucas
6.Being independant
7.My home
8.My work ethics
9.My dedication to suceed
10.My being able to still wear a two piece swimsuit after two kids and look good in it.

Becoming a mother is one of my proudest moments. I have had the pleasure of being invovled in. Looking back on both sides of my track. I am proud that turned out to be a warm open armed loving hopeful parent. Giving birth to my first son gave me understanding that no imature woman could handle. All the bad that was in my life went ou the door when my son came into my life's doorway.

I think i realized that he (Ashton) needed me more than anything i thought i could want comeing from the night life,an unhappy marriage,and a life just spent on waiting for someone to give me happniess.

In all reality my children gave me my strenght to want to do better and have a better, hugs and kisses always reminds men i am not alone even if my mother is gone. I feel her spirit all though me and she shines through my sons. .

So all this being said i am proud of many things in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I wish I could get in a two peice swim suit and look good in it. I only have one child.

