Sunday, July 5, 2009

begin and end Phong.

Through these new acquaintances of responsibilities I met within those two years I lived away from a sheltered environment, I've matured drastically. No more am I unthankful for a little sister that I can ask politely to do the laundry and dishes so that my parents would not have to stand at the sink or in front of the dryer loading and unloading pinked shirts. I keep it as a reminder that I still need help, no matter how mature I think I have gotten. No more am i ungrateful for the things my parents have set out and done for my brothers, sisters, and I during the first eighteen years of my life, and fifty more years that we'll need their help. Through the boredome I faced being away from the younger siblings, and the need of familiar faces, I have learned that family is more important than friends, and all else that exists in this world. NO more am I willing to use a coin toss or the magic eight ball to make decisions that will ultimately impact my future as a person and as one entity of any relationship. No more am I incomplete. At least until another decision is to be made on my own.

At a glimpse, I knew what I was letting go of. Not the education, but the lifestyle. The atmostphere in which so many of my siblings experienced for all four years, the atmosphere they wanted for me. I was ready to let go. Two years was enough for me. I lived and learned. Surely I could have stayed for another three years. I found no purpose to. I knew I was capable of doing so. I didn't see the worth. Was it worth being from the core of the family. Was it necessary for me to e away to get a teaching degree that I can get back at home. I don't know if I did it for them, or because it made me happy. An answer is yet to be found When I tell those from home about my decision to move home, they ask why. Truthfully, I don't know. I never sat down and thought about it. I feel that ti's not just one event or one significant person, rather a collection of all things that revolves around me. But what are the things that revovle around me. Ultimately, I hope in writing will I find the answer.

I don't really know why I started my book this way, but it felt right. To start with the most recent event and reflect upon it. Maybe it works better if I leave it out completely, maybe I shouldn't.

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