Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 things I'm proud of (Shelonda)

10 things I’m proud of:
1. Going back to school
2. Raising my son alone
3. Being able to manage my time
4. My relationship with my family
5. How I can manage traffic in Dallas-Ft. Worth
6. My cooking abilities even though I don’t like to cook
7. How I manage to stay sane while working at HealthSouth
8. How I can survive the heat in Southeast Texas
9. How I was able to stand back on my feet after my husband’s death
10. Being able to get my home repaired alone after Hurricanes Rita and Ike
What I am most proud of is being able to stand back on my two feet after the death of my husband.I had literally fell apart when the doctor informed me that his heart just gave out and they could not revive him. That type of pain is something that I would never with upon anyone. My sister-in-law Mona had to drive me bck to Beaumont, because I was unable to . it took me to take a good long look at my son for me to be able to pull myself back together. I also had to keep myself busy. If I didn’t I would start to think a lot about him and all that did was depress me.


  1. I am proud of you to. Many women have to care for there children, and i call them strong. you are strong.

  2. Shelonda--
    This is a lovely and honest list.
    Your writing is inspiring.

