Thursday, July 2, 2009

The opening and closing of my book (Shelonda)

When I first started writing my book I began with a date and a day of the week. I didn’t think that it would catch anyone’s attention. I thought that maybe if I started with dialog and having that dialog being a question, people would want to know what was going on and what would be the answer. I ended my book the way I did because those are my goals. That is what I see myself doing within the next year. I try to set myself up a goal and do my very best to achieve it. I can’t wait until that happens. I closed by book by with this "I love a challenge. It makes me work harder to prove a point myself. that no matter what, I can do it and I will succeed. By the sommer of 2010, my plan is to be doing my internship. If I can get all of the classes that I hamve left in the spring of 2010, I will be graduating in August, 2010, but if not December,2010, at the latest. As I stated one before, I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I plan on coming out into the sunlight to celebrate my graduation and tho start a new career."


  1. Shelonda--What about posting either part of all of your first and last paragraphs? This might help the other struggling writers in class.


  2. I wish that I could make goals and actually do them. I might if I actually sat down and took the time to make one. That is really disciplined of you. I don't have much self-discipline. I wish you luck on your book and on your goals for the next year. It was nice to have a class with you even though we didn't really get to know each other.

