Monday, July 6, 2009

Beginning and End (Summer)

“Life could be a dream
If I could take you up in paradise up above
If you would tell me I’m the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart.”
-I chose this as my beginning because when I start the book I am looking back to a time when life was a dream and I was young and careless with no responsibilities. Such a sweet time in any persons life. It often goes by too fast though. The idea to put the song lyrics didn't come to me until I was almost done with the book. When we went over great beginnings in class I looked over mine and made some changes.

Thinking about certain aspects, I realize that Robert is nothing like my dad. Could that be because my dad is not around anymore? Have I broken the cycle of finding a partner similar to my father because he is no longer here? Where my parent’s never learned how to communicate, we talk our problems out. We have never broken up or gotten in a major fight much less an argument. We talk and compromise and work things out. We are nothing like my parents were. On about two occasions we have gone to bed mad but I like the saying, “Never go to bed mad,” and “Kiss me before you go to bed.” I think I have learned a lot from watching my parent’s.
-This was was the wrapping up process. As I look over the book and read the pages now I feel like there is so much missing. Oh well, another book another time.


  1. I really like how you started your book looking back at your past. The childhood innocence keeps the reader hooked. I think you did a great job on this. I also like how in the end you confront the conflict on which the book is based I feel like this would resolve any confusion the reader might have.

  2. I Love this beginning to your book it reminds me of being in love its a beauitiful vision as an opening if you are a love sucker like me
