Thursday, July 2, 2009

My writing process *LaDonna*

What ritin process. lol. this has been a crazy three weeks. I started without knowing what i was going to write about. Now i can't top writing lol. okay so now i am over exaggerating. This process has not been easy at all. It was kind of stressful at one point. For the past two weeks, i have dedicated all my time towards the completion of my book. I would look at pictures for inspiration. Trying to remember things and people isn't so easy. Sometimes it frustrating, but things came together for the creation of my book...

"It started with yelling, which was not foreign guest in my home. The tension rose and he grew angry. “How did I get in this position, where did I go wrong,”’ I said confused in my head. In my heart I wanted to stand tall and fight for my innocence, but in my mind I was like field mouse trap by the rattle snake. “You never pay attention, or take responsibility for your actions!” My father had never shown this type of fury towards me. I ran in the house trying to fight the tears, but the more he yelled the harder it became. I locked the door to the bathroom wiped my tear stained face with the towel that smelled like baby powder and was damp from the bath of younger sibling. I sat on the edge of the bath tub and prayed. "

I am proud of my accomplishments...and can't wait the end of my book.


  1. LaDonna--
    This is a great opening paragraph! You should be proud of accomplishing this challenging assignment.


  2. I agree completely this has definitly been a very hectic two weeks and I think all of us have spent most of our time on finishing this book. I like how you made this paragraph really personal.
