Tuesday, July 7, 2009

6 out of 10 things im proud of (Arielle)

  1. Having a 3.0 GPA
  2. Buying my own car
  3. Getting thought the summer
  4. Still being a V
  5. Being a Hardworking Independent Women
  6. Hearing the word proud

I want to graduate MCL (Magnum Cum Leda think that's how u spell it) Want to go all the way so i can get that high dollar job with out any worries or problems in life. Life is already stressful i just want that part to be Easy Like Sunday Morning.

I do not know how many people can say i bought my first car at the age of 18, but i can. I work hard to get the thing i want out of life. I want my kids to be able to do the same thing when and if i have some kids.

Getting thought the summer class without going KRAZY. I hate to be on a rush time limit but next time i know what to do.

To say I'm 19 i can still say I'm a V. People ask my why are u still one. I tell them I don't see the big deal in it. Everyone tells me I'm going to be like the 40 year old V. I don't believe so I dint feel like it'z my time yet.

Being a hardworking independent women is one of my best quality, but it intimidates men or boyz my age. At a young age I was one of the boyz, i don't mind watching sports or housing around, but also know when itz time to be for real or take responsibility. I just learn to deal with bing by myself. just look at im first proud of.

From my family that asked me how im doin tell them everything the first thing the say is im SO PROUD OF U. I loive when they say that i just get a big azz smile on my face.

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