Monday, July 6, 2009

I am proud of......(JaLisa)

1. my self standing up to my trust issue
2. not being worried about judgement from my peers and family
3. finding the airport and getting on the plan to go to Chicago all by myself..(i am scared of heights)
4. getting back into school after an year and a half
5. being more focus in life
6. Charles, my ex-boyfriend
7. stop shopping so much
8. my godchildren
9. my father
10. Will, my boyfriend

"No, I am not running anymore!", I yelled at my trust issue. With my past experiences with trust, i just had a hard time trusting again. When i would get into a relationship with males and things become hard between us i simply give up on trying to trust them about. Never wanted to fight the battle with trust. i thought all men were the same but they are not. i think that i kept fishing with the same bate. now i am taking steps with learning how to trust another man again. i block all the negative thoughts out of my mind and don't react on assumptions. take the time to find out the own story and talk about it. being patient with the person and listen what they have to say instead of going off of what i think. still today i put up a fight each day of my life but refuse to run.

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