Monday, July 6, 2009

10 things I am proud of...(Summer)

1. forgiving my Father before he passed away
2. being the mother I am today-I am not perfect and probably never will be but I do the very best I can
3. for choosing to go back to school after 9 years
4. that I am independent and have not had to rely on anyone as an adult (except my husband)
5. getting my first car at the age of 20 all by myself
6. controlling my self when my step-kids mother yelled out that I had issues at a baseball game
7.for finding the strength to leave my first husband
8. quitting taking anti-depression medicine and controlling my depression
9. having the courage to ask my now husband over for dinner
10. having the determination to go to school, be a wife and a mother to five children

Being a wife and mother of five children can be quite a handful and I am always asked this same question. How do you do it? My honest answer is, "I don't know." Sometimes I go through the day like a zombie. Just moving from task to task with no emotion what so ever. This makes me sad because I don't have the energy or strength most of the time to set aside time for genuine alone time with each of them. I am constantly reading self-help parenting books to learn and get more knowledgable about raising children that come from divorced parents because that is where all of ours come from. I had two and my husband had three from his previous relationship and it has been very challenging bringing these two families together. This challenge is what drives me every day. Lately it seems that I go, go, go until I drop into bed at night but in the end it is worth it. My family is extremely important to me and I will do anything I can for them.

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