Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Opening (Arielle)

Arielle Desiree' Scypion was born May 23, 1990. She is the daughter of Yolanda L. Scypion and Glenn Batiste. He was an absent father. Arielle was not due tell August. Arielle was 2lbs 3 1\2 oz. She stayed in an incubater in the hospital for 6 months. When she she got out the hospital she was on an oxygen tank until around the age of one. As the years go by thiongs happen th her that would probably never happen to most people. She was reguarly tormented during her youth by other children. As she got she older she never thought she would be accepted in life by people until one day everything changed for good. From elementary thur high school Arielle was teased until one day she had a confrontation with a fellow classmate. The anger from past incidents was so strong she surprissed herself. After that day Arielle found out she was on anger person. In March of 2001, her mother married Byvion "Chris" Goudeaux which brought sisters Crystal, Sheena, Jasmine, brother Derrick, and new baby sister Madison.

This is my preface, i chosse to put all the main info here so you can have an understanding when reading the rest of the book.

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