Wednesday, July 8, 2009

10 Things I'm Proud Of (Jeremy Stewart)

Finishing My Book
Graduating From High School
Never Giving Up On School
Going To LSCPA
Finally Getting A Job I Like
Proud Of Sports
Proud Of Anime
Proud of Video Games
Proud Of My Family
Proud Of My Life

I've always been proud of video games my whole life. No matter what happens they always seem to impress me. To me they are my escape from problems I have in my everyday life. Their have been times when I felt down and out, but video games always seem to show me the light. A lot of people say video games are for little kids, but i beg to differ. If that's true then I must be a little kid in nineteen year old mans body.Heck, I know a ninety year old man who plays video games till this day. Now that's passion XD, well to me anyway. Thanks to video games I know what I wanna do with my life and I will accept nothing less from myself.

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