Monday, July 6, 2009

How I Felt as They Read....(Jalisa)

I felt so nervous but anxious for everybody to read the begin of my book. The chapters that they are reading are very personal and deep. I really put all my feelings out on that paper. I have been thru a lot of drama and stress so i have a lot to say. I thank Ms. Rudd so much for allowing this book writing to continue because since i've been writing this book, it helped me cope with all t he feelings that are stored deep within my heart come out. I felt like everyone will look at me different now that they know the true Jalisa. I really am scared of judgement. But in a way i care less of what they because everyone have a past. At first, i stepped outside of the classroom because i was so nervous that it made me sick to my stomach a lil'. But i begin to think to myself and said self "You betta get yourself together and go back into that room, just because you have a past that will make people look at you different, look how far you came and how strong you are now. Now get!".... Then i felt this brave feeling came over me and i held my head up high and was strong enough to go back in the room and sit in my chair with joy in my heart smiling from ear to ear. I kicked the embarrassment to the curb and will not let no discourage me bc i have grown so much from what i use to be. I felt proud!

1 comment:

  1. Jalisa, I really enjoyed reading your writing. I can honestly say that I can relate to maybe some. I want to let you know that you have a lot going for you. You are beautiful, you have a great personality and I wish you well. You go girl!

